
I was putting on my shoes. Ash told me he'll pick me up and I agreed. Mom and Dad were out, visiting my grandparents and Chloe. Ash knocks on the door and I open it and Ash has his hands in his pockets.

"They're not here." I tell him when he starts looking around.

"Ok. See you Callie!" He says before we closed the door.

Ash opened the door for me and I stepped in. He got in after me and drove. It was the team's hideout place. I sighed. I'm nervous about seeing and talking to Chase, AJ and Rena after they had all laughed at me.

"They wanted to see you." Ash tells me and I nod. "How do your legs feel?" He asks, talking about last night.

I chuckle. "They feel fine." I reply and he smiles.

We get out and he grabs my hand and we walk in. As it was last time, it was loud and a lot of people were here. Gwen comes up to us.

"Gracie, hi!" She says and hugs me. I hug her back. "How's your wrist?" She asks.

"It's fine." I held it up to her and showed her the bruise that wasn't there anymore.

"Good. Serena is at the place I took you both to." She tells me and I nod.

I walk to go but I'm soon stopped by Chase and AJ. I held my head down, having nothing to say. I'm soon pulled into a chest and I look to see that it's AJ's. I hug him back and smile.

"I'm sorry, CiCi. We're both sorry." He tells me.

"It's okay. I need to go to Serena." I tell him and he nods.

I walk out of the hideout and into the trail. I see Serena sitting on the bench, playing with the grass. I walk closer.

"Serena?" I called, she looks back and I see tears in her eyes.

"CiCi, I'm so sorry." She walks up to me and hugs me. I hug her back.

She starts sobbing on my shoulder. I feel terrible. She didn't know and she's had history with fake friends in the past. I just hugged her as she cried. She then pulls away.

"I didn't know and I didn't wanna listen." She says.

"It's okay, Rena." I told her. I rub her shoulder. I hug her again.

"I honestly missed you." She says.

"I missed you too." I tell her. "I have to tell you something."

"What?" She asks while pulling away.

"Ash and I had... you know." I say.

"You lost your virginity!" She shouts.

"What?" I turn back and Gwen's walking to us.

"Stop, it's weird to talk about." I say and put my hands over my face. I'm blushing.

"Tell us everything." Gwen says.

I told them about how I had the fight with my dad and how I walked over to Ash's house. They had a sad look on their faces but I don't want them to be sad. I also told them about how James and I did it but I wasn't very descriptive. I then told them about how dad apologized this morning.

"And yeah... that's what happened." I said.

"Wait so, your dad called you a disappointment?" Serena asks.

"Your dad called you what?" I hear a voice behind me and it's AJ.

"Why are y'all out here?" I ask.

"Because we thought something happened to you. But yeah, now I wanna hear." He replies.

"It's nothing AJ. He apologized this morning." I told him.

"Babe, we gotta get going." Ash says and I nod.

I hug my friends once more and grab Ash's hand. We got in his car and he started driving. He grabs my hand in his and I smile. I place a little kiss on his knuckles.

"You hungry?" He asks.

"I can eat when I get home." I told him.

"Gracie, you're going home by the time you eat dinner. Let me take you to a drive thru." He says.

"Okay." I say shyly.

We went to Cook-Out. It was my favorite restaurant. He had gotten me a tray and turns out I was really hungry because I ate everything. I kept the trash. Yes, I ate in his car. I couldn't wait.

We arrive to his house. We walk up to his room and I throw away my trash in his trash bin. Next thing I know, I'm being pushed onto the bed. I squeal.

Ash smiles and leans down to kiss my lips. I kiss back. He started tickling me so I giggled in the kiss. He pulls away. I smile.

"You're so beautiful." He says and I blush.

"Thank you." I say back.

"Why so shy around me, baby?" He asks. "Is it because of last night?" He chuckles.

"No." I tell him, clearly lying. "Ok, it is." I say and hid my face.

"Don't hide from me baby." He says and takes my hand down.

"Ok." I say and he kisses my forehead.

"How about... we repeat?" He asks. I chuckle. He wants to do it again.

I nod, wanting and needing him. He gets excited and takes off his clothes along with mine. He then made love to me and I enjoyed every bit of it.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Stay tuned for next chapter! I'll put a song on top just because lol. Comment your thoughts and vote!

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