10. Uninvited Farewell

Start from the beginning

Your answer made Iseka frown. "Then what are you moping around for?"

Ah, she picked up on your melancholy mood. She was always so sharp.

"Diana's letter. She was asking me to visit her." You said cautiously.

Iseka's frown relaxed a bit. She rolled her eyes. "You both exchange letters with each other every week. And she visits you at least a month. Was there any need for you to travel so far away?"

She had a point.

"But Diana makes an effort to visit. I should do the same, you know."

"There's no need for that. You know Nora. She will bring the whole house down before she lets you out of her sight. Tell your friend to be a bit more understanding."

You swelled up in indignation. "She is understanding! That's why she never made such a request in five years of exchanging letters. But I feel I should do more for her. I miss her, so what's wrong with visiting her?"

Iseka scowled and you shrank back.

"I'm sure she does miss you and sincerely wishes for you to visit her. But your circumstances aren't the same as hers. Nora is not very fond of long journeys. Try to understand."

You sulked. "Alright. Sorry, I didn't mean to nag you."

She waved away your apology. "Go play outside for once. Sitting inside all day with your head stuffed in the books is making you miserable."


Iseka nodded. She covered her mouth and her breathing rattled. Suddenly she broke out in dry coughs. She tried to breathe through the coughing fit.

Worried, you hopped off the bed and brought her a glass of water from the kitchen.

"Nana, here."

Wordlessly, she took the glass and drank half of the water in one gulp.

Patting her back, you scolded her. "I told you not to overwork yourself. And don't sit so close to the fire. You know smoke is bad for you."

Iseka laughed. "Look at you. Tiny little thing but have such big words to say."

"Nana, please. I'm serious. You need to look after your health."

"Alright. I'll take a rest."

You made sure she laid down the bed and covered her with a blanket.

Iseka waved to you. "Go outside and play. Take Ether with you too. That little rascal will cause trouble without you."

"Yes, yes. I'll take the rascal with me. So please take a rest."

You cleaned up the mess and only then you went out for a stroll.

The weather wasn't exactly sunny. You could see gray clouds rolling in the distance. But for the most part, the sun and cold breeze calmed you.

What should you do?

Rolling off a hill was fun but it was quickly forbidden by Nora who nearly had a heart attack seeing you rolling down without any safety gear. And you had dragged Diana who reluctantly agreed but left with a huge happy grin after the adventure.

Playing in the stream was another option but it was freezing, you didn't want to catch a cold.

Observing beautiful birds was impossible too since they were huddled away from the bad weather.

You just decided to go and tend the herbs you planted. At the back of your mind, the restlessness lingered making you feel like something bad was coming your way.

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