𝟑𝟕 | 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞

Start from the beginning

"Maybe I am," She cut off. Jeno looked at the girl with a shocked expression. But she didn't flinch, Hyesoo continued to admire the night view. "Maybe we are. The one, I mean. First loves don't always work out, but maybe ours does. Just not in this moment."

"Are you saying that we should've met in the future?' Jeno clarified.

"I'm saying that... if fate and chance really wanted us to be together, maybe we just have to play along. Maybe in the future there will be an us," She explained, her voice began to shake as she went on. "I don't know when we'll be together, or if we even see each other in the future... but if we do, it doesn't mean we can't try again, right?"

Jeno saw Hyesoo's tears slowly appear, and that made his breath get shaky as he tried to control his tears. "Right. That doesn't mean we wait for each other, okay? We go our separate ways, and if we just so happened to meet again, that just may be the right time."

Hyesoo nodded and wiped away her tears as she stood up, "Well, I guess this is it. I'll see you one day, hopefully, Nono."

Jeno stood up to, "I guess so. Take care, Hye. Maybe, I'll see you later."

The boy hesitated to hug her, and she did to. If they embrace each other, the both of them doubted they would want to let go. But, they needed to let go. It was time for them to let go of each other. Hyesoo let out a small 'goodbye' before she turned on her heel and walked home. Jeno watched as she left him, feeling a difficult sense of déjà vu surround him.

Jeno sat down on the bench once again. It was hard and uncomfortable, but this wasn't the time for him to be complaining and asking for a luxurious seating arrangement. After all, he was still in Vision Park, there isn't much he can do about it. The boy refused to cry, well, more like he couldn't cry. All he could do was breathe. He looked up at the sky which was beginning to fill itself with the stars of the night. "At least it isn't raining," He thought to himself, chuckling.

Departure. The once faraway concept has finally arrived. This is it. The last official moments with his first love were over. Would he ever see her again? Would he even remember her if he did? Despite those thoughts, however, there was one question that lingered in his mind, "Even if we met again, would I still love her?' The only answer to that, though, is in the hands of the universe. The present couldn't determine that currently. Jeno chuckled to himself once again before getting up, as he made his way back home. He looked over at the path that Hyesoo took back home and smiled.

Goodbye, my first love.

Six months later:

"Jeno hyung!"

The large interior dining hall can only be described as extravagant. The high and bright chandeliers and the marble that grazed the floors, it was truly a banquet for the rich. A lot has happened in a month. For starters, Jeno switched his majors. He had been taking a bunch of courses with no real meaning, but now, he's decided to take Business Management and Finance - for the sole reason being that Jiyeon said he would be useless in helping her run Jeon-Pacific Engineering. He didn't particularly enjoy it, but that wasn't to say he hated the subject either.

Other than that, the boy began hanging out a lot more with Jiyeon herself. After her brother announced that he would be stepping down as an heir to the Jeons' business empire, the media went berserk. Their parents had to quickly patch up the news with the announcement of Jeno and Jiyeon's engagement, to which the two young adults had to have a press conference as well as a party to announce it.

And that's where he was currently. The halls were filled with many of the Jeons' business partners, as well as Jeno's friends - whom he slipped in an invitation for them. Jeno turned around to see the sight of Chenle calling out his name. He walked over to the younger boy and saw the rest of his friends there as well.

"Who knew stone cold Jeno would be the first to get married?" Renjun teased once the boy reached them.

Jeno rolled his eyes, "It's arranged, and you know that."

"Yeah, but it's fun to joke about it."

"That's not what we called you here for," Jaemin commented, stopping his two friends before they possibly beat each other up, "We wanted to know when this ends. No offence, but talking to old people that you don't know isn't fun."

Jeno chuckled, "It ended like thirty minutes ago. I'm just here to wrap things up."

"What? So we've been staying here for nothing?" Mark asked, flabbergasted.

Jeno nodded, to which his friend group groaned in annoyance. Donghyuck walked over to Jeno and patted him on the shoulder, "See you later for drinks?"

The boy grinned, "I'll see if I can."

He greeted his friends goodbye and watched them leave the venue. After he saw them leave, Jeno turned around to see someone leaning against one of the tables. "Out for drinks now, huh? You're not taking my car though, get a taxi."

Jeno rolled his eyes playfully, "And to think I could've taken you car, you let me last time, Jeon."

The girl grimaced, "Fine. Take it, but it better be in the same condition that I gave it to you. I want it back tomorrow afternoon, Lee."

"Thanks, Jeon. You're the best!" He exclaimed, getting the valet ticket from Jiyeon's hands. Jiyeon scoffed before walking away to bid goodbye to the Minister of Finance, only after she saw Jeno leave safely out of the grand doors.


Someone should've warned Jeno to never allow his friends to get drunk. After going out for drinks with his friends, the boy clearly forgot that he was the only one with a high alcohol tolerance - thank Jiyeon for bringing him to all those wine tastings for no reason. His friends on the other hand... why, after two bottles of soju, half of them were wiped out.

Jeno had spent the last hour trying to take his friends home with the help of Chenle and Jisung - the two youngest had performance evaluations the next day, and they could not afford to be hungover - the poor boys had a very rough time. Jaemin gets clingier, Donghyuck sits in silence, Renjun talks more than usual, and Mark complains a little too much for Jeno's liking.

By the time the boy himself had reached his house, he was mentally and physically exhausted. Jeno collapsed on his couch as he looked up at the ceiling. As much as he wanted to fall asleep, the midnight insomnia began kicking in. And at night, Jeno's thoughts run wild and free. The day replayed in the boy's head. He couldn't believe everything that was happening. He needed a break. From school to wedding planning, Jeno just wanted to sleep and never wake up.

It's not like he hated his life. In fact, it was kind of the opposite. He still had his friends, his pride - sort of -, and he was still alive. What more could he ask for? Compared to before, Jeno had accepted his future marriage, even against his will, but if anything, if he had to be forced into an unwanted marriage, he's okay with it being Jiyeon. His life wasn't perfect, but it wasn't treacherous. But it felt like everything was coming at him like a train. There's nothing left that might change - at least in the short run - this is the life he'll be having forevermore.

This is it, huh.

that was such a bad ending my bad wkhdjdi felt like updating for no reason so :))

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that was such a bad ending my bad wkhdjd
i felt like updating for no reason so :))

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