Annerose, The Spectrobe Master.

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(Soundblaster, If by chance you stumble across this. I don't expect you to understand the story or anything else. You can think what you like but i'm going to be proud of this. I took my time with this, trying to keep the personalities in mind while referencing the game Dialogue while trying to put Annerose in Riku's shoes at times.)

(Riku is about 18 or 19 years old.)

Amidahara, a City abandoned by the government, Where Monsters and Humans live together. I, Tachibana Rikurou, am a Servant of the feared Witch of Amidahara, Annerose Vajra. Little did i know that mistake i made changed everything.

One Late evening in the corrupt City of Amidahara...

Riku walks around Amidahara, cautiously before noticing a Small device in a Stand. The device caught Riku's interest, so he walked over and looked at it.

"You want it?" Asked the storeowner to Riku, harshly. "Been trying to sell that thing for weeks, no one wants it. Comes with 2 games."

Riku noticed the irritation on the owners face and Decided to buy it with what money he had on him.

"Thank you!" He thanked riku, feeling relieved. "Oh yeah, it comes with a charger." The owner mentioned while giving it to Riku.

Riku made his way home, the place where he was currently staying with Annerose and her other servant Mitico, who is very prideful and competitive when it comes to being Annerose's favourite servant.

As soon as Riku got home, he went to his room and booted up the device he got and it started up

"spectrobes..." riku read quietly with his curiosity piqued

Just as Riku was about to start a new game, He heard Annerose and Mitico return. He hid the device under his pillow and exited his room to greet them. Annerose told Riku to make dinner, which he did without question. As Riku made dinner, the game under his pillow started to fuzz up a little before going back to normal.

Dinner was done and they all enjoyed the meal, well most of them, Mitico refused to wat anything Riku made, thinking he might've poisoned her food or put something it.

After eating dinner and washing up the dishes, Riku went back to his room and check the game. He started a new game on Spectrobes and played a little of it before going to sleep.

Riku sat through the Dialogue which had the Main characters, Rallen and Jeena check out a distress signal at a nearby planet. Riku noticed it was getting late so he collapsed the device and went to sleep.

The next morning, Riku got up earlier and made breakfast for him, Annerose and Mitico. As soon as he was done, he played through the game a bit more. Jeena had told Rallen that the distress signal came from the Northeast area from where they were. Just as riku was about to continue, he heard mail come in. Riku left his game and went to get it. As riku went to get the mail, Annerose was up wearing her usual attire. Annerose, sat down at the table and saw the food laid out. Just Annerose was about to eat, she noticed Riku's game and grabbed it, examining it quickly but when she pressed a button the game opened up a small vortex and Annerose was sucked into the game. Riku returned to the room, only to find no one in it when he knew he heard annerose enter.

In the game....

"Ow..." Annerose said in pain after landing on the floor of the ship.

"Hurry up and get a move on!" Someone ordered.

Annerose looks around before noticing a girl with bright pink hair and light blue eyes with cat-like slitted pupils. She wore a white and blue short-sleeved jacket, blue dress, a blue and white belt with tool pockets and silver boots. She also wears a black headband with blue circular jewels on each end.

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