"I've never been to a party before." I told Ash as he holds my hand.

"They're fun. Just stay away from beer pong." He says and my eyes hold confusion.

"What is that?" I ask.

"Haha, don't worry about it." He tells me and I chuckle.

We arrive to AJ's house and it's packed with cars and people are standing outside with drinks in their hands. Ash and I step out of the car. People were congratulating him for giving us another win.

People were staring at me as if they were surprised to see me. I hear mutters.

"Nerdy Gracie is here?" One boy asks and Ash turns around quickly.

"What did you just call her?" He asks in a threatening tone. The dude looks at Ash with terror in his eyes.

"Yo, I didn't know s-she was with you, man. My bad." The guy stammers.

Ash pulls me to him and bends down to kiss my lips. In front of everyone. I hear gasps from some people. I kiss back obviously but I just wanna push away because he shouldn't be doing this to prove a point. He pulls away from my lips.

"Now you know." Is all Ash says and walks with me inside the house.

We see a more people inside than the people we saw outside. I spot Chase talking to a couple of dudes from the football team so I had gone to him to tell him hi.

He sees me and pulls me into a hug. The three guys didn't say anything but I knew they had wanted to. It's not likely to see a nerd at a football after party.

"Guys, this is my friend. Ease up. She's actually really fun. Not what the gossipers picture her as." Chase says, noticing the looks.

"Nice to meet you." I say.

"How are you? I'm Sam." One guy says, holding out his hand for me to shake. I gladly shake it. He was tall, about Ashton's height with beautiful blue/green eyes.

"I'm Noah." Another guy says and I nod.

"And I'm Nathaniel but people call me Nate." The last guy says. "You're really beautiful. No wonder why Ashton likes you."

"Thank you, Nate." I say and he nods.

"Serena and AJ are over there." Chase points to the kitchen and I nod.

I walk in between the people either dancing or making out. I spot AJ and Serena talking to Ashton.

"Best friend!" Serena shouts when she sees me and throws herself on me into a hug.

"Hi, Rena." I say laughing.

"You want a drink?" Serena asks.

"Umm... sure." I say. She hands me a red party cup and before I take a sip, Ash grabs it from my hands.

"What are you doing?" He asks me. "Do you know what this is?"

"Yeah. Come on. Let me live." I whine and he chuckles and gives it back to me.

I take a sip and wow, it's strong. I've never had a taste of alcohol so it's kinda weird. I take another sip, then another, then another.


As you may guess, I'm a bit drunk. I was in the middle of AJ's living room, in my own world. I hear people chanting my name. Not 'Nerdy Gracie.' Just 'Gracie.'

I get down from that table and walk over to Serena who's looking at me with a smile on her face. I take her hand and dance right there.

"Let's dance, Rena!" I shout and she chuckles and nods her head.

I lead her onto the dance floor and dance with her, swaying my body to the rhythm of the music.

I feel hands on my waist and lips on my neck. But it isn't Ashton. I turn around and some strange guy drags me and pulls me and push my lips on his.

I don't kiss back but try to push him away. The guy gets pulled off of me and Ash is looking at him with anger in his eyes.

Ash punches the guy and he falls on the floor due to the heavy impact. Ash gets on top of him and throws punches at his face repeatedly until the guy's face is bloodied and bruised.

Ash gets up and grabs my hand, leading me out of the house. I'm immediately sobered up. His grip is tight on my wrist.

"Ash, you're hurting me. Let go!" I say, trying to get him to let me go.

He pulls me to what seems like an alleyway. He lets me go with a push and my back hits the wall. I cry out in pain.

"What the fuck was that, Gracia?" He sounds angry, but why at me?

"You saw what happened. I didn't do anything." I told him.

"You only pushed him away because you saw me coming." He says. What?

"That's not true, Ash. I pushed him once he put his hands on me." I try telling him.

"Don't lie to me!" He booms, making me flinch under him.

"I'm not lying." I whisper.

"Everybody was right about you. You act like you're so innocent but you're just a slut. Always have been and always will be." He sneers and I gasp.

"Good luck finding your way back home because you're not getting in my car." He says and walks off.

I just stand there, crying. He thinks that too? It started getting cold and I didn't have a jacket. I realized I still had money so I called a cab.

The cab pulled up and I get inside the back seat and handed the driver my money. It was a lady.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" She asks and I just nod.

She drives me to my house and I immediately run inside and upstairs to my room. I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas.

Once I hit the bed, I cry hard. I feel immense pain in my heart. I can't believe he didn't believe me. I pushed the guy off the second he touched me.

I shouldn't have come to this party. Almost every bad thing happens at parties.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Oh no... Ashton and Gracia must've hit a rock. How do you think the next chapter will go? Next update on Thursday. Comment your thoughts and vote. Thanks for reading!

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