Chapter 34

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You laughed as you walked away from his screaming and down to the front, you had called Ijichi a few minutes before you knocked on Gojo's door because you had decided to go into town for the day.

Once you got in the car, you started making your way down the mountain as Ijichi asked nervously, "(Y/N), where is it you want to go?" 

You looked at him in the mirror from the back seat as you said, "Oh nothing big i just wanted a break from the mountains so i'm going to hangout in the park where normal people are. You know, socialise but not really."

He looked into the mirror at you before nodding as you looked out the window the rest of the way.

It didn't take long for you to get to the park and for you to be dropped off with your sketchbook in hand. 

You walked into the park minding your own business and found a perfect spot to sit, it was a bench under a cherry blossom tree while it shaded the bench perfectly.

You swiftly walked over to it, dodging a woman passing by before you sat on the left side of the bench and made such there was enough room for anyone else who wanted to sit there as well.

 You pulled out the sketchbook and the pencil that was put into its spirals as to not be lost before you started to draw anything that came to mind.

Though you were in this beautiful park with many things to see and draw, your mind wandered to the one and only Sukuna once again as you subconsciously started to draw him based off of memory, even though you just saw him up close last night.

 It took a little bit as you tried to draw every last detail he had along with his curved eyes under the originals, the tattoos on his face, and the way his hair stood as if gravity wasn't a thing.

You were just in your own world as you finished up the drawing before you heard someone say, "What are you drawing?"

 Your pencil stopped in its tracks on the paper before you looked up to see the curse named 'Mt. Fuji' from Yuji.

You didn't feel any hostility coming from him at the moment but that didn't rest your nerves one bit as he sat next to you and took your sketchbook from your lap. 

You thought as you sweat dropped, "I cant keep myself out of trouble can i?"

He dropped the sketchbook back into your lap before making eye contact with you before he says, "Looks like you've seen Sukuna up close, is it a special occasion."

 He asked it like you were forced to answer truthfully but you only said with your head being propped up by your hands, "Well when he tries killing you it's like you'd suddenly focus on what's around you, you should know Mt. fuji." 

You turned to him only to see him gritting his teeth in anger before growling out, "My names Jugo, not that! Say it again and i'll kill everyone here including you in the blink of an eye."

You froze at the threat and thought with your brows creased in concentration, "Damn i got to stop getting myself in trouble."

 You warily came back when you saw him stare at your wrapped hand before yanking it out from under your head making it fall before you bring it back up again.

Your eyes widened as he said grinning like he just found Yuji's secret stash of lady magazines, "What's this? You had it before but I'm quite interested in why I can feel a small presence of someone else's curse here."

 You tried to pull back from him but he had a strong grip as he found the end of the bandage and started taking it off but he didn't get far as you both heard the screeching sound of someone yell your name obnoxiously, "Hey! (Y/N)!" 

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