Chapter 33

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You were confused but you conceded and followed quietly before he sat down and made you sit next to him.

You look down to your still entangled hands as you look up to him doing a hand sign and then a burst of power before you look around seeing a projection of the outside world in front of you.

 You look at it in amazement as you say out loud, "Wow that's so cool! You're amazing!"

You didn't catch what you said as Sukuna looks over to you with a light dusting of pink on his cheeks before looking away. 

You suddenly get yanked by your hand as you fly into Sukuna arms roughly and you are now sitting on his lap as his arms wrap around your body quickly, trapping you in this position.

You couldn't even look up as Sukuna put his head on top of yours and said, "Don't say things like that without thinking (Y/N), there will be consequences and you're quite warm. I was getting a bit chilly." 

You blush fifty shades of red as you say quietly, "Are we having a who can make the other one more flustered challenge now? Or are you just being really really bold right now and taking control of the situation." 

He hums making your back feel the vibrations of his humming as he then said, "I'm just bold. I can't show how strong I am if I hold back now can I?"

 You nod slowly as his trip tightens around your waist as you're brought closer to his chest.

From how big his robe arms are, they felt like blankets to you so you just decided to get comfortable and say quietly with a small smile, "I'm enjoying this."

 Sukuna hums again as its vibrations send an electric shock through your body as you blush again remembering the fact of you two being so close.

"Oh, here we go, they just noticed you passed out." Sukuna says as you look up to the projection and see that Yuji was looking at your slumped body as well as Zenin and Megumi. 

"She must have gotten exhausted and accidentally fell asleep." Zenin says as Yuji looks over to her before looking back at you.

But Yuji disregarded Zenin words as he walked over to your body and shook it back and forth repeatedly as he yelled out, "(Y/N)?! (Y/N)! Don't die on me, you still have a life to live! Don't go yet!" 

You laugh at how Yuji is being an idiot while Megumi grabs him and says, "Weren't you paying attention idiot?! She's just sleeping deeply so let her be."

Yuji let's go of your body as you drop to the floor with a thump as you growl, "Don't drop my body idiot I still need it in working order!" Sukuna laughs dryly as you huff while he then says, "It's ok I'll hurt him later for you. Does that work?"

 You nod and say, "I'm good with that but I'm still going to hit him on the head tomorrow just for sure."

"What makes you think that you're leaving?" Sukuna says as you get confused and say, "Well I assumed because I have school to do and if I didn't wake up they probably would think it had something to do with me and the hospital. I don't wanna go there again. It was terrible!"

 He grunts in acknowledgment as you smile and think, "I love overprotective, soft, Sukuna he's too cute!"

You were finally able to move your head as Sukuna slightly lifted his head as you took this as your chance and pecked him on his jaw and looking back at the projection as if nothing happened.

 But Sukuna didn't like that as he moved his hand so it grabs your chin and moves it upwards so you were looking at him as he said lowly, "What did you just do."

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