Chapter 18

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Poor child being forgetful and selfless. As you finished making all the batches in record time you didn't even notice that Gojo had already called Fushiguro as well and walked over to the couch to watch stuff.

You cleaned off your hands as well as the counter from all the excess flour left there, you then started walking over to the entrance to the kitchen but you heard a knock at the door before saying, "I've got it!"

 To Gojo but he replied back, "No i got it you just continue doing what you're doing."

You sweat drop but he got to the door before you anyways as he opened it up as you walked out of the kitchen saying, "I already made them i just need to put them in the oven."

You look over to the door to see Fushiguro and Itadori there, you wave to them as they walk into the house and you also see Gojo put his black glasses on as well. Itadori notices you first and waves back dramatically as Fushiguro just looks over to you. 

You say smiling, "They'll be done in fifteen minutes, i just need to put them in the oven and then they're done."

Fushiguro nods as Itadori says out happily, "Yes! Homemade mochi from (Y/N)!" 

You giggle as you walk back into the kitchen to put the batches of mochi in the oven.

Also did I forget to mention Gojo has two ovens and a toaster oven? I think I told you, anyways so yeah you put the batches in each oven and set it for fifteen minutes.

You walk out of the kitchen with a timer in your hand as you see all three of them on the couch, squished together as you walk over to them and sit in front of them. 

Itadori was to focused on the movie to notice you as Fushiguro could care less what's on the TV and Gojo looked over to you, sensing you near.

You glare at Gojo getting everyone's attention as you say loud and clear, "There in the oven so they'll be out in fifteen minutes, so be patient. I'm looking at you Gojo."

He just smiles at you as you sigh knowing he's going to do something unexpected later, you could tell. 

Once Fushiguro and Itadori noticed you were sitting on the floor, they both said they could switch with you so you weren't uncomfortable but you stopped them as you said, "No need i'm actually comfortable right now and i need quick access to the kitchen if something goes wrong."

They both nod at your explanation but Itadori was still hesitant to let you sit on the ground so he sat down next to you and said, "Then i'll sit with you so you're not lonely." 

You smile at him as you both watch the show. You were able to watch some of the show but then you hear the timer next to you go off, you start to stand up but you all studenly feel the ground shake violently as you whip your head back to see Gojo not on the couch anymore and running towards the kitchen. 

You ignore Itadori laughing as you run to the kitchen to, yelling out, "Gojo don't you dare!"

Once you make it to the kitchen, you see you were too late as you see Gojo had grabbed the mochi from the toaster oven and was already eating it.

 You throw yourself at him but he dodges as he yells out with mochi still in his mouth, "Hot! Hot! Hot!"

You growl out, "No duh you idiot, you literllaly grabbed it out of the oven!"

You throw him out of the kitchen not seeing the other two at the door as Gojo crashes into the two of them. "Whoops, sorry i didn't notice you guys there." 

You say as you put mittens on your hands as you grab the two other batches from the oven.

You decided to be over the top because you color coordinated the mochi dough with the respected person. Gojo's mochi was white, and you were glad he ate his color somehow, Itaori's is red, and Fushiguro's is blue.

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