Chapter 3

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“Hey, i came here on account of asking you if you wanted to join the school i'm working at.” Gojo says as he stands up again going back to his height of a giant.

You look at him and say, “Why would I want to go to a school you're teaching, you teaching me isn't a good idea seeing how I know you personally.”

Gojo then puts his hands in his pockets and says, “Well I'll only be teaching you for a year and seeing how I know you on a personal scale I already told the school you're joining because they trust me to bring in students.”

Your jaw drops at the news as you turn around making Gojo confused. You walk about 5 feet going to the chairs before gripping one of the many chairs and throwing it at him, not caring if you're loud anymore, yelling, “You idiot! What about my job and a normal life!”

Gojo dodges the chair with ease letting it smash into the wall and Gojo holds up one finger saying, “Your job gave the info to me that you're fired because you couldn't get the materials and they cant have someone who can't do a simple task, also you can't really have a job at the school anyways and two you wouldn't have a normal life because you can see the curses.”

You both hear racing footsteps run up to the door before it slams open and the nurse that's been taking care of you says, “What's the meaning of this!”

She looks at Gojo's mouth agape as she angrily points her finger at Gojo and growls, “You're the one i told you couldn't see her right now!”

You look over at Gojo as he waves at you and says, “I'll see you later today with the kids.” As he jumps out of the window, the nurse runs over to the window and panics as she says, “Were on the third floor there's no way he would survive that fall!”

You walk over to her and say reassuringly, “He did you'll see him later, he's quite the imortal, he don't die easily.” She looks at you as she grumbles under her breath but you couldn't hear what she says so she just walks out of your hospital room and closes the door.

It's around 6:30 AM right now so you just decide to stay up until you see Gojo later in the day, you were given a phone from Gojo so you thought, “He must've taken it from the nurse, how nice.”

You decide to watch Youtube to pass time and not surprisingly you were able to pass 6 hours so it's now 12:30PM.

You hear a knock on your door as you hide your phone thinking it's the nurse but it's some kid with long, black, spiky hair.

You stare at him confused before you hear a familiar voice, “Hey Hey, move it. I get to see her first. I already said I was gonna be first.”

The door slams open as you get tackled into a neck hug, you start tapping the person's back as to signal their choking you.

They let go to see its Gojo and you say, “You could've killed me Gojo! I'm gonna murder you!” Gojo laughs and says, “Sorry (Y/N) but i just missed you so much.”

You growl and say, “I just saw to you this morning don't even pull that with me you overgrown polar bear.” Gojo holds his heart mocking hurt once again as you huff at him crossing your arms in the process.

You hear someone laugh and you look over at them to see a kid you haven't seen yet, scratch that's you've only seen the girl briefly.

You look at a boy who's laughing to see his hair is pink with a brown undercut, a black uniform with a red hood, and red shoes. You also notice he has lines under his eyes with brown/hazel eyes.

You then look over to the emo looking kid to see he has long, black, hair strewn about, and a completely black uniform, almost like Gojos uniform he wears all the time. You finally look at the girl to see she's wearing the same thing you saw on her last time and you look at Gojo and say, “Are these the students you were talking about?”

Gojo nods to your question stopping the ‘hurting’ he was showing openly as he points to them and says, “The one with pink hair is Yuji Itadori, he's the one who carried you out of the building you were in. The girl is Kugasaki Nobara, I'm guessing you were able to see her before you passed out and finally the one with black hair is Fushiguro Megumi.”

You nod and say, “Nice to meet you guys and I guess thanks for saving me.”

You look over towards Megumi so see him bowing and says, “Nice to finally meet you (Y/N), Gojo-Sensei has talked a lot about you.”

You whip your head to Gojo as you glare at him, he just ignores your silent threat and waves over to you saying, “Guys meet your new teammate (F/N) (L/N).”

They all stare at you, Itadori and Kugisaki say in unison, “She's the new teammate?!” You now glare at them and say, “Yeah, you got a problem with that talk to Gojo he signed me up without my permission.”

Gojo then says, “Your getting out today you have been in here for five days, so you start school now. Here's your uniform. I changed it so you look cooler.”

He gives you a peace sign as he ushers everyone out of the room so you could get dressed. You froze and replayed the words in your head over again, “Five days… Changed uniform… Getting out today…”

You yell, “I've been asleep for 3 days?!!” After you freak out you get dressed to see your uniform has a (F/C) hood, with a black uniform shirt over it, a long black skirt that reaches to your knees, black shorts under it, and (F/C) shoes.

The skirt also has pockets which you're thankful for and black strings attached to the hood. You walk out of the room to see Gojo leaning against the wall with Itadori, Fushiguro, and Kugasaki sitting in the seats.

Once Gojo hears the door open he says walking over to you, “Do you like it?” You nod and say, "So where is this school located ‘Sensei.’" Gojo gets shivers up his spine and says, “Please put my name in front of it, you make it sound creepy otherwise.”

You huff and say, “Nah the best your getting is Gojo, anyways where is the school located i need to know.”

Gojo laughs and says, “The school is located in Tokyo at least.” You glare at him and growl out, “Where is it, you're withholding important information again Gojo. Spit. It. Out.”

He looks at you and says, “It's in the middle of a forest on a mountain.” Your jaw drops as you stomp past him and say, “Why are you always like this? I can't stand you sometimes.”

Gojo laughs loudly and says to his students, “I guess that's our cue to get started with training. Let's head back to the school.”

He hears them groan as Itadori mumbles, “But we just came from the school, now we have to go back?” Kugasaki says mockingly, “Aren't you wanting to get stronger.”

Itadori huffs and Fushiguro just walks past them like nothing happened and walks behind Gojo. You walk back to Gojo as you mumble, “I don't know where this mountain school is.”

Gojo just says, “We need to take a car up to the school because of how far it is.”

You groan and stay quiet before Itadori tries to do small talk with you on the way to the gates of the school. Your spirits lift up at his upbeat vibe as you nod along with what he's saying and say, “Well my favorite food is amazing. I bet if you ate it, you would melt with joy.”

Itadoris eyes sparkle at the thought of trying a new food as he says excitedly, “What's your favorite food (Y/N)? I wanna know!”

“(F/F). The way it melts in your mouth with all its bursts of flavor just makes it so enticing to eat more of it!” You say acting all giddly as you describe it like it's the most beautiful thing you have ever tasted in your life.

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