Chapter 9

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As Sukuna is confused about his feelings you and Itadori wake up as the lady next to Itadori says, "You just gonna sit there and watch?"

You rub your head and say groggily, "I'm not watching anything ma'am." She whipped her head over to you and Itadori as you hear Itadori yell out, "Woah! Full frontal!"

You look over at him and immediately look away as you cover your face and yell out, "You dumbass! Put on some clothes will you!" 

Itadori just mumbles to that lady, "Umm, this is kinda embarrassing. Who are you?"

You hear a lot of voices as you remember what happened as you take your hands off your face and look at the hand Sukuna stabbed.

You see the mark on your hand as you hide it from eye view from everyone but unknown to you, Gojo has already seen it and will question you later.

But for now he stands up and puts his hand up as he says getting both of your guys attention, "(Y/N)! Yuji! Welcome back!"

You look over to him as you just smile but Itadori puts his hand up as well as he says, "Yo! Im back!"

 They do a high five as you sigh and get off the little rolling bed you were on, but once you walk away from it you feel something stuck in your arm and you all feel some pain in your ribs.

Gojo walks over to you as he pushes you back to the bed and says, "You're still injured and healing so just calm down."

You look down at your body as you suddenly become aware of the bandages covering your body as you say, "Oh i didn't even notice."

 Gojo sighs as you sit there now just looking at all the bandages on your arms and legs.

After the whole were not dead part in the monastery, Gojo brings us to his house in the school compound and says all this stuff to us on the way about how we cant be seen or even be considered alive and that we're going to be training secretly for a while.

He walks you and Itadori down to a basement like room as you look around and find all the walks are cement bricks, with a TV directly opposite of the door, a small table with two cans on it, and only one couch in between the TV and the door.

 You go over to the couch and sit down as you hear Itadori and Gojo talking but you pay no mind to them. You sigh as you say, "Ugh so boring."

You look over at Gojo and Itadori as Gojo says, "(Y/N)! Pay attention, you'll need this in the future too."

You grunt as you push yourself off the only couch in the room as you walk over to Gojo as he continues and says, "Please pay attention to the cans over there, thank you." 

Before you look at the cans you see Gojo make a kissy like face and you just shake your head at his funny features, you look over at the can as you lean on Itadori.

You both see the cans break but one was twisted a lot and the other one has a big dent in it as if someone just punched the can. You hear Itadori yell out excitedly, "Wow!"

 As you say with jazz hands, "Magic!" Gojo stares at you before saying, "This is cured energy."

He points to the can with the big indent in it as he then points to the can that's twisted and continues, "And this is cursed technique."

You sigh as Itadori says, "I still don't get it." you look over to Gojo as Gojo says uninterested, "Okay let's see, think of cursed energy as electricity, and cursed technique as electronics. It's difficult to use electricity by itself, right? So you use electricity to power electronics. This way you can gain a variety of uses." 

You Made Me Feel [Sukuna X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now