Chapter 16

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You look up just to remember that Gojo threw into the trees as you run into the forest to find Gojo and you do but he's smashed into a tree unhurt.

You help him up as you say, "Oh my god i'm sorry, i was just so mad that i didn't hold back... i was really trying to kill you Gojo."

You look down as you have a mini panic attack saying over and over, "I tried to kill you. I was really trying to kill you. I could've killed you. I could've killed a teammate. I'm a lunatic. I'm going to kill someone."

 Gojo looks at you not really knowing what to do but at the moment he thinks, "Sakuna better than me in the nice department, so she has been talking to him. What has he said to her and is it bad that she thinks he is nice or is there another reason. She was blushing talking about some dumb idiot doing something dumb, he is supposedly nicer than me right now, and he put a mark on her and only her to talk to her alone. I really hope it isn't what I'm thinking and even if it is, what are the chances of him liking her? He's a demon curse that kills to see people suffer." 

Gojo pushes it to the back of his mind as he crouches down to (Y/N) and says, "Hey, hey. It's ok, I'm ok see not even a single scratch on me. It didn't hurt if anything you should be proud that you did the blash flash!"

(Y/N) looks up at Gojo as she says, still panicking, "I know i know b-but i-i-i-i-i.... But I tried to k-kill you..i tried to kill my friend! i -i cant handle that, if I accidentally do that to a friend I don't know what I'd do to myself, i could kill them! Would I become a monster like that volcano guy, will I be a cursed user?" 

Gojo could see the line of tears pour out of (Y/N)'s eyes as she overthinks and goes on to what could happen to her when this happened as if she just did it and was thinking ahead.

Gojo gives (Y/N) a hug as he says seriously, "That won't happen because you're better than that, I pushed you to do that because you needed the help. I didn't mean anything I said and you're not going to mess up and if you do, I'll forgive you because you're not that kind of person. You have a solid goal in mind and you care so i know for a fact you'll will never be evil enough to change your ways to the opposite and start killing, even if you make a decision that others will argue against i will always be on your side because i trust your judgement. So don't pull yourself down just because you lost control." 

(Y/N) grabs onto Gojo's shirt as she slowly stops crying as Gojo sighs and (Y/N) mumbles out a quiet, "Sorry."

To Gojo and he nods understandingly. Before Gojo could say anything they both heard the familiar voice of Itadori as he sees the smashed trees and yells out worriedly, "(Y/N)?! Are you there?! Are you ok? I'm here to save you!"

 (Y/N) and Gojo stand up as Gojo lets go of (Y/N) and she follows as they both see Itadori looking around quickly until he spots them.

 Itadori runs over to the two as he runs past Gojo and looks at you all over as he says grabbing your shoulders, "Are you ok?! Are you hurt anywhere! This place is smashed to bits, I was worried!"

Gojo looks over at Itadori questingly as he says, "How did you find us Itadori, we're about two miles away from the school?"

 Itadori lets go of you as you remain quiet knowing why as he says, "Well Sukuna told me she was in danger and where to find her so i listened even though he's a curse because i would never want to see (Y/N) hurt. Plus i didn't know she was with you so it made it even scarier when i left campus to find her." 

He tilts his head as Gojo looks over to (Y/N) and says, "Did you know about this?"

You look away as you hear a voice in your head say, "Go ahead, might as well tell the maggot." 

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