Chapter 4

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Itadori puts his hand in the air as you grab his hand making you two hold each other's hand strongly as he says determined, “We're going to get along well (Y/N). I know it.”

You nod your head approvingly as you both get interrupted by Gojo saying, “Sorry to ruin your moment but the car is here. Let's go.” All of you get in the car as Gojo says, “The back is gonna be crowded because we have another person so figure it out.”

Gojo gets into the front seat and talks with some guy with glasses. Fushiguro and Kugasaki get in first, then Itadori which makes it so Fushiguro is stuck in the middle, with Itadori and Kugasaki by the windows. Itadori then says, “Where are you gonna sit (Y/N)?”

You grin as you basically dive into the back seat making Fushiguro jump and Kugasaki yell at you for landing your feet on her.

Your position is your feet are on Kugasaki, your waist and thighs are on Fushiguro, and your head is on Itadori’s lap. Itadori says confused, “What are you doing (Y/N)?”

And you say smiling, “I made room, you guys are not squished against the walls of the car. Just think of me as a suitcase on your legs that moves.”

Kugasaki says, “And i thought she was better than you two but i guess not, i hate this.” You laugh as you say, “Gojo were ready, I made room for us.”

Gojo looks back at your position and mutters, “Well that's one way to do it. Let's go.”

The car starts moving as you laugh at Fushiguro's little blush he has and at Kugasaki’s disgusted face. But when you look at Itadori he's not fazed one bit of your head on his lap as he looks out the window.

The car ride was about 40 minutes and the car was quiet most of the time other than you mumbling to Itadori about something making him burst out laughing.

Once the car stopped you felt Kugasaki shove your legs off of her as she left the car and Fushiguro stayed still. You sit up, ending up sitting on Fushiguro's lap as he hides his little blush and you poke his cheek saying, “Awww don't be embarrassed it's nothing to be shy about.”

You jump out of the car and you stretch your limbs saying, “Oh am i glad that rides over.”

Gojo says, “Lets go we still need to train before the end of the day.” You wake up behind Gojo as he suddenly stops making you knock into him before he says, “Whoops change of plans, everyone go practice with the second years. (Y/N) come with me. We need to see the principal.”

You sweat drop as you nod and wave to everyone as you leave with Gojo to this big building. Gojo says, “You need a reason as to why you want to become a shuaman, that's what we call ourselves that can see and fight curses.”

You nod as you say angrily, “I think I have one i don't know because of one, I was forced to join and two, I didn't have enough time to think about it because you're just telling me this!”

Gojo sweat drops as you talk again, “Why do you always tell me the most important things last minute you idiot!.” Gojo says not affected, “I just forget that it's important or i dont think it's important so I don't tell you.”

You huff and say, “One day you need to change that habit because the things you don't say seem to be the most important sometimes.”

Oh how you were right... You both walk into the building as it becomes pitch black only luminated by lamps the further you go in.

You hear something like sticks hitting together the further you go in, and once you make it far enough you see a big man sitting on a platform. He had a lot of stuffed animals around him and a half made stuffed animal in his hands as the sounds of the sticks were coming from him sewing the thing together.

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