Chapter 15

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He goes silent after that as you say questingly, "Sakuna? Are you there or did you leave?" You only get a grunt as a response as you say, "Thank god, i thought i said something that made you mad. I wouldn't wanna get yelled at by you again."

You then question yourself, "God, why am i worried if he's mad at me? God my actions just get even more confusing, maybe I hit my head or something."

 Sakuna laughs as you blush out of embarrassment and you feel like something else but you get into it as you hear Sakuna say as if he's grinning, "You know i can hear you right, when i'm in your mind talking i can hear all your thoughts." 

You yell out in your head as you face outside seems to make it look like you're mad as you say in your mind, "You didn't tell me that?! Don't listen to a single word I said Sakuna! I'm warning you, keep your thoughts to yourself or better yet don't pay attention to me at all!"

You hear him laugh again as you blush even more making it apparent on your face to everyone in the room as you hear Sakuna say, "Now why would I do that when it's quite the show to see and your blushing a lot, what's that for surely you aren't embarrassed because of me. Am i making you blush, aww the King of Curses made a human blush." 

You growl now making everyone in the room confused as they look at you to see you blushing a lot and growling at nothing, with your eyes closed.

You say in your mind as you didnt even notice what you were doing on the outside,"I am not blushing because of you! Don't twist my actions to think I like you Sakuna. I'm blushing because I'm embarrassed!"

 You could feel his grin as he said mischievously, "I didn't say anything about you liking me. I just said I made you blush. Your the one thinking it not me so i were to say anything id say you were the one saying you like me, that's quite the thought process you have there (Y/N)~"

 He makes you name longer as you huff but you couldn't say anything back because it's true but you didn't really believe you liked him at all, i mean he is a curse that's killed people and you a shaman that's there to protect the people he kills, there's no way you could like him right?

You get knocked out of your thoughts when you're smacked on the back as you look up and say, "Huh? Why the hell did you hit me!" 

You see Itadori behind you as you smack him on the head as he says scared, "Hey! Hey! You were the one blushing badly and growling at something?! If anything you were acting weird and you weren't replying to me poking you so i had to hit you."

 Just then you remember that Sakuna said you were blushing and you remember him also saying he couldn't see through your eyes but Itadori's, you then look around the room to see everyone looking at you either scared, confused, or worried. 

You immediately bow as you say, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry i was lost in my thoughts again and i guess i let the emotions playing through my head show, i'm sorry if i interrupted you guys." 

Gojo then whispers to you with a grin, "What were you thinking about that made you blush (Y/N)?" You get angry as you yell out, "I was thinking of someone really stupid being an idoit!" 

Everyone other than Gojo and Itadori leave to do the next competition to leave you guys alone as Itadori says, "Sakunas laughing, it's scaring me."

 You growl as you smack Itadori on the top of the head as he yelps out, "Ow! What was that for?!"

You cross your arms as you see both of them have a bump on their heads as you say angrily, "Because your an idiot and Sakunas a stupid peson!"

Itadori doesn't think anything of it as Gojo then thinks, "That's strange. Last time I remember Sakuna tried to kill her so why is she talking ab- Maybe the mark has something to do with it." 

As (Y/N) was talking with Itadori about what happened when she was 'gone' Gojo's face turns into a frown as he thinks again, "Only she knows what that mark does and she can't say anything to tell me about it unless she can find a way." 

(Y/N) looks over to Gojo, seeing him in his own thoughts he (Y/N) says, "Hey Gojo, you good?"

Gojo nods at Itadori then says, "Hey (Y/N) why do you have that bandage on your arm? Are you hurt?"

You look at Gojo as he shakes his head as you look back at Itadori and said, "Oh I got a hold through my hand somehow and i didnt want to be seen as a burden so I covered it." 

You lie straight through your teeth as Itadori believes you and thinks it's so cool. You sigh as you all leave for the baseball game and you play it.

All that was fun about it was when Todo got completely decked by the ball in the face and everyone literally said nice pitch.

To say you were not laughing is a complete lie, you were on the ground crying from the scene.

(I go off the Manga's path here because i don't want to make it based completely off the manga franchise but do not freight well get back into it eventually)

After all that was done you ate dinner and asked Gojo for training, of course he exempted so he sent us to a forest. "Did we really have to come out here for training?"

You said to Gojo as his hands are in his pocket and said, "Yeah if you're training then you need space to do so. Anyway what is it you want to work on." 

You reply back determined, "Well the things i need to work on is strength, giving others cursed energy, and giving myself cursed energy but the thing i want to learn currently is strength and black flash. Itadori told me about it and how it makes you stronger so i want to learn it."

Gojo looks at you surprised before saying with a grin, "So be it, i'll teach you black flash as well as making you stronger, so let's get started."

 So that's exactly what he did, he told you what it was and how to relatively do it.

So you practiced and practiced, Gojo told you that, "We're not going back to the school until you get this down." 

So you're stuck here until you get it. He also told you to, "Come at me like im a curse, try to kill me like im going to murder every single one of your friends and ruin your dreams to become a shaman."

So you did and currently it was around 2AM in the morning and you still haven't gotten it but you have been able to work on your strength. 

Gojo yawns as he says trying to make you mad, "Wow your bad at this! If i were a curse in which case i am for this training, i would have already killed you and everyone you loved. I guess you're never going to be able to change the world and make a difference at this rate. Maybe I was wrong to make you a shaman." 

And it pissed you off you growl out, "Dont you fucking start that shit Gojo! I'm trying my best and your not making it better! At this rate Sakuna is a better person than you!"

 Gojo looks at you surprised catching him off guard as you put all your anger down as you charge at him and at the last moment you hit him with all that anger as you see black lightning patterns around you as you jump back from the recoil and Gojo goes flying into some trees.

You look at your own hands as you say mumbling, "I did it? I did it.... I did it! Gojo, did you see that i finally did it!"

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