Chapter 22

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Your bandaged hand holds into your wrist tightly as you let some tears drop from pain and sadness.

Of course you weren't allowed to go to the nurse quietly as Itadori had drawn attention to you two, so Maki, Panda, and Toge walked over to us. 

"Oh? Are you two a couple and didn't tell us, how rude!" Maki says as Panda nods and Toge says, "Corn flakes."

You move your head so it's even more down and now stuffed into Itadoris chest as Itadori says, "We're not a couple Maki-San, I'm just bringing (Y/N) to the nurses office since she can't do it herself." 

Everyone looks down at you as they then see how your body is shaking from being overworked, and your hand was what caught all of their attention quickly. "Hey hey! What happened to her hand, is she ok?!" Maki yells as Toge yells out, "Bento flakes!"

And Panda says, "Woah that looks like it hurts!" You grit your teeth as your bandaged hand tightens around your wrist as Itadori says, "I know it's not my place to tell but they need to know." 

You look up at him as he looks down at you and then looks back up before saying sadly, "(Y/N) had trained so hard that she drained of all her energy she can't even walk, and her hand has been severely burned from her own cursed technique. She had ignored the pain as damage to her hand as she felt like she was being left behind and she was just a burden to us."

 The whole place goes silent as the tears start falling quickly from your eyes as you look away from everyone, you don't want to see their faces.

"They're probably disappointed that I'd go this far just to catch up. They probably hate me, they think I'm pathetic." You say in your thoughts as you shake in Itadori's arms as he looks down at you before saying, "I've got to get (Y/N) to the nurse before the injury gets infected."

They all just nod as they let him pass as Maki says, "She really did that because she's scared of being left behind?" 

Panda then says worriedly, "Shed destroyed her own body just to prove she's strong enough to battle with us."

Toge takes down his neck scarf as he says, "She's determined." Maki and Panda look at Toge as he looks back to the two before saying, "Bento."

Maki then says with a smirk, "She reminds me of him, forcing herself to become stronger for others even at the cost of her life." 

Toge nods and Panda says, "Yeah, let's just hope that she's not related to Gojo-Sensei either. That would be a storm to clean up."

Back with Itadori and (Y/N) Itadori then says, "They don't think any less of you, yes mad you'd go that far but glad you take your training to heart. You have a motivation that won't waver no matter what happens." 

(Y/N) looks up at Itadori before saying, "Still i didn't want anyone knowing about this, i didn't even want you to see. I don't want pity from anyone and that's exactly what I'm going to get, and probably even babied now."

 "If you were babied then you would never get stronger and seeing you do this to get stronger, they definitely wouldn't do that just to keep you safe. No curse is going to baby you during a fight so we need to train to the best of our abilities but not to the point of where you could ruin those abilities. Just don't do it again ok, promise me (Y/N)." 

Itadori says happily first before getting serious at the end and you nod and say with a weak smile, "Promise."

Itadori then decides to lighten the mood by telling you dumb jokes that were too dumb not to laugh at, and it stayed that way all the way untl you got to the nurses office. 

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