Chapter 5

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You were also given a curse weapon because you didn't really work on how to work your curse energy so you were left with some brass knuckles since your fighting is close combat.

"Our windows confirmed a curse womb, approximately three hours ago. When the evacuation process was 90 percent complete, the decision was made to close off the facility. Detention center building two, five inmates are currently trapped inside along with the curse. Curse wombs that grow and change shape, can be expected to become a curse close to that of special grade."

The man that is now named Kiyoyaka Ijichi says quickly to us four present. "He was the man who had driven us to the school when I first went." I said in my thoughts.

He has black, short hair, curved eyebrows, sunken cheeks, and is wearing glasses. He's wearing a black, long sleeved suit, over a button down shirt and a black tie, black pants, and black shoes.

You and Itadori say in sync, "I'm still not sure what that special-grade thing is all about." You look at Itadori as he just continues to stare at Ijichi. 

Ijichi begins to explain it to us in idiot form, "Grade four curses can be killed with a wooden bat, grade three curses could be killed with a pistol, grade two curses can probably be killed by a shotgun, grade one curse are stronger, that tanks are rendered useless, and special grades might or might not be killed by explosives like a cluster bomb." 

You nod as you at least have an understanding of curse grades now as you get caught in your thoughts but still hearing everything around you as you think of how this could go.

You don't get far into thinking much about the outcomes as you hear someone yell out, "Hey! Excuse me! Is Tadashi, is my son okay?"

You look over to a female at the police tape, you then look over at Ijichi as he says, "She came by for a visit with her son. There's a possibility that poison was spread in the facility, we cannot disclose any more information at this point."

You look away from the site and look at Itadori as he says determined, "Fushiguro, (Y/N), Kugasaki. We have to save him!" 

Kugasaki replied with, "Of course," As you and Fushiguro stay quiet. You look over to Fushiguro and say, "I did some thinking earlier and since were at a detention center, and your silence that these people did some pretty bad stuff."

 Fushiguro side glances at you as he says quietly, "That Tadachi guy ran over a little girl while driving without a permit. I don't see the need to save someone who's gonna kill people in the future."

You stare at him wide eyed and say, "That's a cruel way to get into this place and we all know Itadori isn't gonna like it if you don't save him."

 Fushiguro nods to you in acknowledgement as you all walk over to the entrance with Ijichi.

He puts his hand up with his pointer, and middle finger as well as his thumb and says, "I'm going to lower the curtain, be careful and good luck. Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure."

 A curtain comes down in the form of black goo as you hear Itadori comment on it, but you pay attention to him but to Fushiguro as he summons his shinigami, divine dog.

Fushiguro says to the dog, "If the curse gets close, let us know."

 You see Itadori pet it as if it's a normal dog. You all walk into the detention center and the second you step in you see a bunch of pipes leading to nowhere as they just continue on for forever.

You see many buildings higher than ten stories and a bunch of wires as well but there's enough room to walk through normally.

You look over to Itadori yelling, "What's going on here?! This is supposed to be a two-story dorm building, right?" You then say, "Yeah I'm pretty sure it wasn't more than at least six stories high." 

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