Chapter 19

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The next morning you were awoken by someone knocking on your door so you sluggishly walked over to it and opened it to be blinded by the light.

Without thinking you say while moving your arm in front of your eyes, "Tone it down ball of sunshine, you're blinding me."

 You don't hear anything other than someone's breath hitching, so you adjust your eyes to the outside light to see Fushiguro.

You look at him questingly, "Oh Fushiguro what are you doing here?"

 You don't even comprehend the compliment you just gave him nor his slight blush as he then coughs and says quietly, "Get ready, we're going to exorcise a grade 3 curse in a house downtown."

He walks away leaving you standing there as you say now nothing what you said, "Oh geez I probably scared him with that. Oh well I guess I better get ready for the job then." 

You grab your other uniform seeing as you had two and you put on the oh so familiar clothing as you walk over to your restroom and brush your teeth, and put on the bandages over the mark on your hand.

You stop midway before thinking, "Ugh I forgot to eat breakfast, maybe I might be able to get some food later while we're out." 

You sigh loudly as you then walk over to the door and put your (F/C) shoes on.

You get a chill as if something bad was going to happen but you don't mind it as you push it to the back of your mind. Finally you leave your room and walk towards the entrance of the school to see Fushiguro, Kugasaki, and Itadori there all standing around waiting for you.

 Once you get over to them you say as you sweat drop, "I'm the last one here, no fair."

Fushiguro looks over to you and you both make eye contact before he looks away making you confused as you say questionably in your head, "Did I make him mad. Maybe that little comment I said was too much? Geez he's confusing." 

You push those thoughts to the back of your head as you all take a ride down the hill to the site.

The ride took about half an hour and you were cramped in the back as Fushiguro was in the front reading all the details, he gave you the paper to read but once you read the name of the house you said, "I already know about it."

 You handed it back quickly. After the ride was over the driver, Ijichi, leaves you guys there stranded.

"I'll put up a curtain for you guys." He said as he drove off somewhere. Fushiguro decides that right now is a great time to think of a plan as he says, "(Y/N) and Kugasaki are to go in and provoke it into coming out and distracting it, Itadori attacks it after the signal given, and I exorcise it." 

We all nod as we now wait for the curtain to be draped around the area.

You and Kugasaki thought about how you could get it's attention and distract it as you hit your fists together as you say, "How about we act like ghost adventures, it's the perfect disguise. We act like we know the place, we walk around, and finally we talk about how it was a rake and provoke it to come out by taunting!"

 Kugasaki looks over at you as she then says, "That's a good idea actually, I thought it was just going to be some bumb plat as a muddled victim stuff."

You huff and say, "That's a stupid idea mines better." It took about five minutes before she was the curtain being draped so Fushiguro then says, "Let's go." Itadori says back, "I'm ready to beat some cursed butt!" 

You giggle at Itadori's little speech as you all walk into the two story house and you all separate. You stuck with Kugasaki as Fushiguro and Itadori went their own ways waiting for their signals.

As soon as you stepped into the house you immediately started to act like a ghost adventurer but moving things around and knocked things off the shelf's. 

I then face Kugasaki as I say with a grin, "Hey Kugasaki. Did you hear what happened here?"

She looks over to you, seeing your grin she shakes her head as you continue and say, "I was into a lot of mystery cases when I was younger but anyways, I read about this house. Apparently in this house there was a family with three children and an abusive mother. She hurt her children because of he stress getting to her head and taking care of the children made her mad so she hung every single one of them in the attic."

 You see the scared face of Kugasaki as you start talking once again, "She watched them gasp for air as their tiny fingers tried to take the rope off their throats, but they didn't succeed. In the end the mother left the children's hanging bodies in the attic as the neighbors complained about a rotten stench coming from this house. The police came to check out the house and were allowed in seeing as the mother had drunken her sorrows away, but the police checked the attic to find the three children's bodies still hanging."

You stayed quiet after saying that wondering how Kugasaki was going to act, you were just having fun with her but you weren't lying.

Kugasaki then said a little unnerved, "What happened after the police found the bodies?" 

You looked back at the shelf in which you knocked things over on as you said, "She grabbed the safety pistol in her room and shot an officer before shooting herself. To me she seemed quite sadistic and psychotic because of the way she acted." 

You look back at Kugasaki to see her making a disgusted, unnerved face at me before she growls out, "Did that really happen or are you just trying to scare me blockhead."

"For one, I'm not a blockhead I would say I'm a nerd, two it's called a hobby and it just happened to be murder cases. So to answer your question no it's not fake, this actually happened I'm sure you can find the rope around here somewhere." 

As you said that you looked around actually trying to see if you could find the ropes just laying about but you didn't.

You sigh as you walk over to Kugasaki, dodging all the rubbish on the ground as you look up to see Kugasaki's emotionless face staring at where you once were, you laugh as you whisper to her, "Don't worry, it's in the past now. Also it's probably why this place is 'haunted'. I mean we wouldn't be here if it wasn't right?"

 You air quoted the 'haunted' part because you know in reality it was just a curse roaming around in the house unable to leave.

You both start to walk around again making noise before Kugasaki gets annoyed at the curse hasn't shown up yet and says, "Ugh. There's no ghost here, it was just some dumb fake rumor people say. You got my hopes up for nothing (Y/N)." 

You place a hand on your chest mocking hurt as you growl back, "Got your hopes up?! I was just telling you about the past of this house, there's nothing wrong with that and if anything the ghost is probably just too scared to come out because of you."

Kugasaki glares at you not getting that you were trying to fake a fight and joking with her as she yells out , "Oh yeah i'm scary?! Well what about your mission huh?! You say you're going to protect the ones you love but you can't do that if you can't even fight yet."

 You stare at her wide eyed as you say, "Hey, Kugasaki I was jus-"

But before you could finish you spotted the curse and Kugasaki cut you off as she says, "The only reason why you're here is because your Gojo's your friend, your not supposed to be here!" 

Tears welled up in your eyes at what she said as you say in your mind, "Ah, I didn't think she'd take this seriously, I was just acting the part of a snobby, nerdy, high school ghost investigator." 

Kugasaki then notices the curse as she yells out completely ignoring everything that just happened, "There it is!"

You look up again with blurry eyes as you could see a three meter tall, three headed monster with multiple limbs coming out of its body.

You couldn't place the details because of the tears threatening to fall but you just wipe your eyes as you step back and slowly take away the curses, cursed energy, making it weak.

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