Chapter 11

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You sigh as you stand there until you feel something grab your arm as it grabs Itadori as well.

You claw at the plant as it opens its mouth as Itadori says, "Were fine Sensei! Go after them! Wait Wait i was kidding! Help!"

 You feel the plant get hit as you and Itadori drop to the ground and you look over to Gojo before seeing Itadori bow and say, "I'm very sorry. It got away because of us, but it was you who brought us here, right?"

 You glare at Itadori before hitting him and yelling, "Don't group me into your apology I didn't ask for help you did!"

Itadori grabs his head as you hear Gojo mumble about something before looking at us and saying, "It's not just you guys. I want all of you kids to get strong enough to beat something like that."

Itadori looks up surprised as he says, "Win against that?!" You look down at your arms as those two continue to talk about whatever they were talking about, and you put your hand to your mouth in surprise. 

Your arms were covered in red spots and some blisters as you think, "So i got burns in the domain that curse set up!"

You touch your face to sigh and say, "Thank god it only just feels hot kind of like a sunburn."

You still look at your injured arms as you hear Itadori yell to Gojo, "Question!" And Gojo replies by yelling, "Yes, Yuji!"

 You look up at the two at Itadori then say, "What's the goodwill event?"

You sigh as you think, "He forgot to say something important again." Gojo then says nonchalantly, "I didn't tell ya?"

It's been a month since that incident and you had to sit back and work on your Jujutsu technique while Itadori gets to go on a mission. 

"This is stupid, he gets to go into the field but i dont! Just because of the stupid Mt. Fuji."

You pout as you were given a grade 5 curse to work with, of course it's still in the basement you were in the first time.

The curse was chained up so it would run around and you were to take the curse energy it was giving off and throw it at some cans.

Your Jujutsu technique is like dissect and throwback, you were able to take others curse energy and use it as your own so kind of like cursed weapons but you use others curse energy as your own. 

You could throw it, absorb it depending on how much it is, and get rid of it completely, so in words you were trying to be able to dissect the curse energy from this small curse and hit the cans, damaging it.

The hand sign to be doing this was where your pinkies and pointer fingers are touching separately and your thumbs are touching while you ring and middle fingers are making a circle by touching your thumbs as well. 

To you it kind of looked like round goggles with a triangle on top by using your hands.

You made the hand sign as you released it and opened your hands towards the curse as you see a small blob or a reddish-pink watery foam come out of the creature before going back inside. 

You huff as you sit down with your legs crossed as you also cross your hands and huff out of annoyance.

You sigh as you get back up again and try it but this time it succeeds, well at least in your eyes you got a small portion out of it and you put a big smile on your face as you let it disappear into thin air. 

You try this over and over until you're able to get big amounts and your huffing from how long you have been doing this; two hours.

I took you two hours to be able to get a big amount and you're exhausted from it, you look over at the curse to see it laying down tired from most of its curse energy being taken as you say, "Sorry i need this training if i wanna get stronger man." 

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