Eijiro Kirishima X Reader

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(A/N - This oneshot talks about periods and period cramps/pains please if you do not like those topics do not read) 

Your stomach twisted as you sat in pain due to that time of the month. Your period had arrived out of the blue and you had almost zero supplies yet you were in too much pain to even go to the shops to buy anything. You rolled around your bed gripping your stomach as pain was unbearable, as it slowly subsided you yanked the bedside drawer open rummaging through the junk-filled drawer for pain killers yet you couldn't find anything which made you slam the drawer back in. You felt another wave of pain roll over your body as you clutched your stomach rocking back and forth trying to get rid of the unbearable pain. You knew in your mind you couldn't take any more nor could you walk yourself to the shops just to buy supplies. You grabbed your phone, you didn't want to text any of the girls as you weren't that close so you called the only person you were super close to and that was Kirishima. Your phone rang him for a while until he finally picked up,

"Hi Y/n what's wrong?" your stomach grumbled as pain rolled over you once again "Kirishima-" he cut you off hearing the pain in your voice. "Y/n! Are you okay! Y/n!" you let out a small sigh "Kiri I need you to do a favour for me. I'm in pain from my period you see and I- can I ask you to get me some supplies." Your voice was a whimper yet he could still hear you. "Hang in there for fifteen minutes okay." Kirishima hung up after while Y/n laid in her pain.


Kirishima hung up, he turned to Bakugou who had angrily agreed to come out to hang with him today. Bakugou stared at the shark-like boy who had a sad face across his face "What did Y/n want?" Kirishima turned to the boy scratching his neck, he didn't want to say the real reason so he made something up on the spot. "She's babysitting and the baby doesn't have any supplies so she called me to get some!" Bakugou grumbled as he stared at the red haired boy "what an Idiot, she couldn't even sort it out on herself so go to her." Kirishima smiled at Bakugou before running off. He went to the closet convenient shop, he picked up night pads and day pads, pop-corn, chocolate, your favourite drinks, your favourite snacks, painkillers and a heat pack. He paid for them and then rushed off to go give them to Y/n.


He ran through the dormitory, holding the plastic bag in both hands as he rushed up the stairs down the hallway and to the front of your dorm. He knocked on the door hearing your whimpering voice say come in. You watched as the door was opened by none other than Kirishima who looked at you with sad eyes almost like he could feel your pain. "Y/n." He whispered softly and closed the door behind him creeping gently forward he placed the bag on your side table before sitting next to your body as you curled into a body. Kirishima rummaged through the back pulling out the painkillers he handed them to you alongside with your favourite drink which you happily took, Kirishima gently pulled your small body into his own. "Kiri! What are you-" you let out a soft whimper as the move slightly hurt you yet it wasn't as bad as the cramps before, he held you softly around your stomach "I heard it helps cramps, but the best thing is to sleep-" you cut him off staring up at him with puppy dog eyes. You couldn't believe how sweet he was, your face turned pink as you stared at him "Kirishima, I don't want to bug you! You can go now, I'll be okay." yet he didn't let go as you thought yet he cuddled more into you laying down with you on his chest. "Y/n, I really care about you and I don't want you to be alone in pain," His voice was soft and soothing, almost to the point you dozed off there yet as your blinks got heavier and heavier you whispered an almost unhearable "Thank You" before falling asleep. Kirishima smiled and held you tighter "Night Y/n. Sweet dreams." He kissed the top of your head before he dozed off.  

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