Hatsuharu Sohma X Reader

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(A/n - Y/n means your name, l/n means last name, and T/n means teachers name - oh also the curse is a bit confusing so I did some research and it just said that if the opposite gender hugs them they'll turn into their zodiac animals but it doesn't mean the the person with the zodiac can't hug the opposite gender.) 

Haru's eyes flickered in rage, his teeth gritting together back and forth. His hand clenched around his other arm with his fingernails digging into his skin as he did so. He was over his anger levels were rising fast yet when he turned his head to find the girl who usually was the one to calm him down she had been out of the classroom for a while to do a favor for the teacher yet there wasn't a sign that she was coming back soon. He turned his head back to the front and a couple spots in front was Momiji's empty desk as the girl had taken Momiji to help with the favor she was asked to do.

Y/n smiled, she turned her head to Momiji who skipped beside her with a large grin on his face as he stared at her, "Y/n-chan? What are we doing visiting Tohru's class?" they were a couple feet from the classroom as she stopped turning to her friend putting her hands behind her back as with a giggle. "Sensei said not to tell anyone, that includes you Momiji." Her smile turned bigger as the boy left out a puff, she pulled the sticky note with the instructions for Mayu-sensei as the students called her. "Aww fine." Momiji grumbled for a moment before he happily knocked on the door pushing it open as the heads of the older class span to stare at the two younger students. Tohru's eyes glistened as she waved saying hi to the two before Mayu-sensei interrupted "What can I do the pleasure this time, Sohma and L/n?" Y/n nodded her head holding up the sticky note out as the teacher made her way towards the two. "Sensei wanted us to give this to you." Momiji smiled at Kyo who looked away in disgust and at Yuki who smiled and gave a small wave back to their younger family member. Just as Mayuko reached out for the note, Momiji's and Y/n's sensei bolted down the hallway slamming her hand against the door and the wall in a puff, trying to catch her breath as fear ran through the woman's eyes.

"T/n, What's wrong?" Mayuko looked concerned, Y/n and Momiji leant into the classroom staring at their teacher confused as the heads of their classmates popped in and out. "Hatsuharu, he's thrown his desk and chair, smashed a window and is destroying the classroom." The woman continued to huff and puff as Kyo and Yuki turned to each other, in sync they said "Dark Haru." which Momiji told Y/n it was when he goes mad and isn't himself. Kyo and Yuki stood up but what the other sensei shocked the two and the rest of the large group, "He's been shouting that he wants Y/n.", they're eyes turned onto the girl which made her feel more confused then she already was due to the situation being out of the blue. Mayuko stared at the girl before sighing, "Bring your class inside and watch my class too, Kyo, Yuki, Momiji and Y/n come with me." Momiji grabbed Y/n's arm squeezing it tightly as they walked down the hall.

As they got closer to the room the loud anger shouts of frustration and the sounds of heavy objects hitting the wall only seemed to get louder and louder which scared the girl yet she didn't want to show it. The fairly small group stopped at the door, Y/n built her small amount of confidence as she stood in front of the group. "I'll go in okay, he wanted to see me." Kyo shook his head staring at the girl "No Y/n, what happens if he hurts u?" Kyo was generally concerned for the sweet girl yet he didn't want to show it that much. "All things to consider I don't think it would be a good-" Mayu-sensei was cut off by Momiji who stood beside Y/n. "No, Y/n's right. When Haru is angry he always comes to Y/n to calm him down! Trust her with this!" Momiji stared at Mayuko as she sighed, staring the girl dead in the eye. "Y/n if you feel uncomfortable, you call us and we'll come in okay." Mayu looked at the girl who nodded.

Y/n pushed open the door turning around as she shut the door before turning back around. In front of her was a large clump of chairs and tables he had thrown, the window in the back was smashed and now the boy stood in the back, his hands clenched as chest went in and out with every shallow breath. The look on his face wasn't the one she had seen from the boy as his eyes met hers, she gave him a small smile "Hey Hatsuharu," her voice was soft and high pitch, he walked towards her yanking her towards him yet she fell on the floor. "Pathetic. You're worthless." his voice was deeper then normal yet she wasn't focused, he had yanked her so tightly that his fingernails let marks that soon began to bleed. Her eyes filled with tears as she looked up to meet his gaze, yet his whole demeanor changed seeing her teary eyes, Haru fell to the floor staring at her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The boy begged staring at the floor, "I didn't mean to hurt someone I loved." His words shocked both himself and the girl he just confessed the truth to.

Y/n gave him a smile. She placed her hand on the small scratches seeing that some hadn't bleed at all or a tiny droplet of blood the size of a pinhead, she pulled her hand up to cup his cheek slowly she leant forward giving the boy a small peck on the lips before pulling away in a blushing fit. Haru's face went red as he stared at the side of the girl as she tried to calm her face down, "I like you too." She whispered softly, placing her fingertips against her lips, remembering the feeling of his lips. She turned back around to look at him yet he took his chance giving her a longer kiss before he held one of her hands as he did but when the sound of the opening door the two quickly pulled apart yet he continued to hold her hand gently massaging the skin as he did. Momiji and Mayuko we're the only two to actually realize what happened while Kyo went off at the boy for going 'dark haru' and Yuki just standing there blankly. Momiji smiled at the girl knowing that she had just kissed the boy before they came in, "It's good that you've returned back to yourself, Haru but you'll be suspended for the rest of the day. Is that understood." the boy nodded his head sadly. "Now on your feet you two and Haru follow me to the principal's office." the two stood up, Haru still holding Y/n's hand he turned to Makyuko "Can Y/n come with me while we wait?" The boy questioned the teacher which only annoyed Kyo "No you idiot, Y/n needs to get back to work because you're disrupting her all the time." Kyo sighed, rubbing his temples as he told the boy.

Haru nodded, he turned towards Y/n wrapping his arms around the girl as he snuggled his head into her neck, "Bye Y/n." he placed a secret kiss on her neck which made her face turn redder. With that Haru followed Makyuko out of the room, leaving Kyo, Yuki, Momiji and a blushing Y/n, Makyu-sensei had already left the room yet Haru turned around smiling at the boy "Bye Y/n, Love you!" Haru smiled before getting pulled out of the room. Momiji smiled as Yuki and Kyo stared at the girl with their jaws dropped, from then on in Kyo shouted at the girl for liking such a space cadet like Hatsuharu.

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