Muzan Kibutsuji X Reader

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(A/n - I'm so sorry this got dark at the end I was watching Hannibal and well year anyway enjoy!) 

You chewed the outside of your lip, staring at the man who you knew wasn't your father nor related to you by any means. He hid it pretty well, you'd give him that but the ugly truth of a monster he really was beginning to show ever so slightly to mother and younger sister but you knew from day dot he wasn't your father. You stared at him with anger in your eyes as you brought the chopsticks to your lips taking a small bite from mother's homemade recipe of udon noodles.

'Father,' you called,

staring at him in pure hatred you watched the man smile which only angered you even more as he stared at you.

'Yes my Sakura?' he questioned,

He had no right calling you his Sakura, that was your nickname your family called you and he was certainly not family.

'Did you see it in the newspaper.' you paused 'They say demons are back on the loose once more,'

You watched his face turn monotone, you knew you had him in your trap which made you smirk and lean forward.

'Unfortunately not, where did you read this?' he asked,

You stood up picking the newspaper up on the dresser as you leant on the back of his chair, you put your arm out so he could read the news article you so enjoyed to taunt it at the man pretending to be your father.

'Y/n you know not to bug your father at dinner time.' You mother sighed,

You brought the paper away, leaning on the armrest of his chair as he stared up at you and you stared down at him.

'I think father needs to know mother. For what we know our neighbours could be demons.' you paused moving closer to your fathers ear so only he could hear it 'Even you, the sick bastard could be a demon or are you?'

You stood away from him, returning to your seat you stared at the man who was only now understanding what you knew about him. Dinner finished with mother and younger sister leaving to wash the dishes while you stayed staring at your father since he asked for you to do so. He stood up, shutting the doors surrounding the dining room, he walked over towards you sitting on the table staring down.

'How?' he questioned,

'Father was never as cold-hearted as you,' you paused and gulped ' Plus watching you rip a man's arms off and devouring them whole gave you away just a smidge.'

You stared blankly at the man as he smirked, he leant forward placing his lips against the curve of your ear.

'What do you think of me now?' he asked grinning,

'You amuse me, though my house is no place for you, demon.' you giggled,

'How would you feel if I ate your adoptive mother and adoptive sister?' he watched the life drain from your face, you knew nothing of the fact that you were adoptive. 'alright you don't know that you're adoptive.'

You stared upon, your hatred for him disappeared and was placed with anger towards mother and sister.

'They'd deserve it.' you whispered,

Tears formed at the corners of eyes as you turned your head to stare at him. While all he could do was grin.

'Such an intriguing young girl, my sakura flower. What do you say if I make you a demon just like me.' he whispered,

You nodded your head, watching him pick up one of the left dinner knives, he rolled his sleeve slightly up before he sliced his arm drawing blood before he brought it close to your lips, almost touching them.

'Lick and you'll pass out, when you wake up my Sakura we'll be together.' he smirked,

You placed your tongue on his cut, the metallic flavour sickening but sweet. You brought face away before sleep took over.

Your eyes slowly opened once more, the same dining room you passed out in yet things were different. Turning your head you eyes came face to face with those of her dead mother and sister with her eyes scooped out. She looked up to see father sitting at the head of the table while the other six seats were taken by other demons who each stared upon you like they were the alias of the man.

'My sakura flower, welcome back.' he grinned,

He slid a fork across the table as it stopped just in front of you he grinned even more as you picked it up.

'Enjoy my sweet sakura.' he whispered as you took the first bite....

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