Chifuyu Matsuno X Reader

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A Cat, A Shovel And A Girl A Year Younger 

Synopsis: In desperate need of a shovel for gang related "business" Chifuyu steals it from what he thought was his school's part-time greenhouse. Little did that someone was waiting for him to get back with it. 

. . . 

'Hello~ anyone in?'

                    His voice is sarcastic and has an amused tone to it too. He stands at the door of the greenhouse with the stolen shovel he took to deal with business. He wasn't expecting anyone in the greenhouse, just the cat that scurried into it beforehand. It's late, Chifuyu's mind was adamant he had gotten away with it. His gang uniform polished and the small dimmed light reflected off the polished gold buttons.

                    He places his shovel against the entrance, his hands slid casually in the pockets of his pants as he precedes to walk in. Swaying side to side as he stares at the plants, he whistles softly a tune he heard recently but doesn't know where from. While hunting for the cat he finds himself staring at the plants, they all look the same to him, just green though he does like the freckles of color of fruits, vegetables and flowers sticking out from the varying colors of green.

                    He jolts. His eyes become vividly shaken up, his reaction visible as you softly smile before returning to a stirn displeased look. Your hands the cat comfortably, it makes no effort to move as you look to integrate the intruder. He's a year older but nonetheless wiser. He still remains slightly taken back that someone was even in the school at this hour let alone where he just disposed of some evidence.

'I think this belongs to you? Not sure if I should give it back to you, seeming as though you stole something from me.' you mutter,

                    Flustered. His eyes dawdle away from you, it's his first encounter with anyone younger than him in his school. Not to mention his record and hearsay gossip does dictate how people treat him, though he guess you missed the memo. He puffs out his chest, he has to show that it was intentional that he was here, though his attempt was a failure in both your eyes and his.

'Just had to borrow it real quick. I returned it. That's all that matters.'

Your eyebrows raised, yet you place the strange cat within his arms, 'Sure... I guess.' you turn around and begin to walk towards the back of the greenhouse once again, overrun by untamed plants, 'See ya' later...' you mumble out,

He strokes the cat for a while before shouting, 'Hey wait!'

                    Your head turns and soon followed are your tired eyes. A cocked eyebrow suitably placed as you question his existence still being in an unwanted room. The cat is rocked slowly within his arms, back and forth, back and forth. His eyes steadily focus between the two, you and the cat as he speaks.

'I'm sorry I didn't think anyone would be in here. It's kinda late.' He softly mumbles,

'It's fine. I'm about to go home anyway, just admin stuff.'

He questions, 'Why aren't the others here helping you?'

'There are no others, it's just me.'

'Why's that.'

You were getting tired of his questions, your eyes rolled and you annoyingly state quickly the reasons, 'Majority of people do stuff they already know. A lot of people don't have plants or living ones anyway so people don't join.'

                    He stares upon the noticeable flyers in bright colors behind you, they're for the new first years coming next year which will make him a third year and you a second year.

'There loss.' he sighs, his eyes advert back to you, he notices the obvious eyebags subsequently caused by the long hours,

                    With a soft wave by the cat as he grips its paw he tells you he'll see you later though you hardly know him. He feels bad, it's a feeling that stays with him throughout the entire night one that Baji spots and when put on the spot he admits. He admits he has a sort of liking for the girl though he doesn't know what it is. Between two guys who haven't had a singular romantic experience they come up with an ingenious plan.


'Y/n. A second year left something on your desk.'

                    Plucked from the exact same greenhouse, it lays between a folded handwritten note presumably written by the exact same thieving delinquent. It's a red rose and smells straight out of a perfume line. Girls giggle as you twirl it around your fingers, it wasn't the rose that caught the majority of your attention rather his little note that got a large smile to spread across your face. It's a prolonged ramble about him apologizing though at the very end before he signs his name and the name of his cat Peke J, he pops a small question that makes you smirk, "Can I see you again?" unfortunately you can't get rid of the boy.

                    By the end of two periods busily gossiping about it, he was at the door. A very deep breaths as he peers nervously awaiting an answer or two. His school uniform was placed casually on with no attempt to wear the tie properly or do up the first button or the last for that matter. You wander outside the door and stare at him, the coins for a drink from the vending machine, casually thrown up and down continuously the entire conversation.

'I can do a saturday for our date to meet your cat, Peke J.'

                    He's too stunned to speak. His cheeks burnt read as he questions how can someone younger have the balls to say that to him let alone the confidence. You're about to walk away when he lets out a massive sigh of relief with a soft giggle.

He smiles, 'Shit. Your as crazy as I am.' he pauses, 'I thought girls usually wanted something more casual like a hang out then leads into a date-'

You turn your head and smile at him, 'You're the one who intruded on my life therefore I'm simply returning the favor.'

                   By the time he's noticed you're halfway down the corridor he scampers after you. Knowing from that moment on he wants to be beside you at all times.

'Wait up!!!' 

'So what did you use that shovel for anyway?' 

'Uhhhh.... Nothing...'

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