Mikey Sano X reader (pt. 2)

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Was it to the death? Perhaps, would it be exciting? Of course. The doors opened to the impending doom of one or both of the fighting yakuza. The doors opened inward and as the vast silent area became in picture all I could smell was the stench of disaster, death and desire.

Valhalla jackets hung on the backs of the men as they spread across the empty road like a tidal wave, Shuji's arm wrapped around my shoulders in a protective sort of way. Guess word got out about the Toman mishap with me, I stared up to see them wondering in the same way.

Toman is even sized to Valhalla, and with a few of the boys already on edge due to yesterday's events it didn't help either. I stopped. Shuji's arm fell from my shoulders as our group stopped suddenly in their tracks. Toman moved forward till the groups were a few meters away, the stopped too as the two groups faced one another.

'What was that for imouto?' Shuji whispered,

'You rather look like the better group before-' my breath got caught in my throat.

My eyes met his, and I couldn't help but stare. His jacket swayed against his shoulders in the small breeze, he wore no shirt revealing something that would make anyone turn red, his hands in his pants pockets as he looked at Shuji for a moment with no expression.

'Before- well you wanna look bigger and badder.' I let out a small cough, looking away at something in the distance so the pink cheeks weren't obvious. I looked to meet Mikey's gaze, his demour changed went soft only if you truly stared into his eyes. He wandered past valhalla to the point his shoulder began to brush past some of my members. My hands laid in front of me, gripped together to the point my knuckles had turned a ghostly color. He had wandered past the boys beside me, in the chaos he had grabbed my hands and held them for a few seconds before letting go as he wandered past Shuji.

I stood stunned, is he trying to get himself killed?!

They wandered in and Valhalla followed. The two enemy groups; Valhalla and toman sat beside one another by the choice of the referee group placing everyone in alphabetical order like we were school children. I sat in the middle of the pack beside Shuji his old, Valhalla jacket reperpest into my own oversized one tightly zipped up due to the cold breeze circulating the junkyard.


I pressed my head against the back of a broken up car, I didn't find it exciting like Shuji, blood, gore and fighting it was gross and boring. I flickered my eyes to Mikey like a child who got told no by their mother staring off into the distance at another with the thing said child wants. His legs were mostly crossed with one up letting his arm casually rest upon it. His eyes flickered guess he felt the eyes on his body; he turned his head with a monotone face yet it simply changed and a small smile appeared and I couldn't help but blush as the match began.

'Shuji,' I grumbled,

I turned my face into his jacket sleeve, he was sitting on the edge of the roof of the car almost ecstatic with the amount of blood and broken bones. Frankly I had enough, I let my face smoosh against the fabric. I moved away quickly and let my head fall softly against the car my feet hanging off as I closed my eyes for a moment or two.

'You - i'm gonna -'


I jumped and looked down, a few of the fighters and thrown one of the others so hard against the bottom cars all I could see was a few shoes dangling in the air beofre his legs going limp. The eyes were all on the Valhalla who sat without a damn care of if he lived or not and in this moment I didn't either I just wanted to be miles away from here at this moment.


A scream had knocked me off my thoughts, the boys began to disburse. Jumping off the cars to the ground even some of the Toman boys too. One grabbed Shuji as I still sat confused, why was everyone moving. I tilted my head up to see whatever was going on.


The car was hurtling towards me, there was no time for me to move at all. I looked up.

'Y/n!' - 'Y/n!!'


I'm dead. I got to be. Yet why was I so warm in pure darkness, it was like a warm body pressed against you. I opened my eyes, while it was barely enough light to even see four feet in front of myself. His body was wrapped around my own his head in my shoulder, the faint blonde hair and the golden embellishment down his spine it was obvious who it was. I let out a small groan, my skin was scraped against the car yet he had pushed us out of the way mostly that we were hidden between a small crack between the fallen cars.

'Y/n,' he whispered,

I let out a small noise reply, as he moved himself around to hold me off the sharp angles of the car below, he pulled his head out of my shoulder as we met eye contact, I couldn't help but blush and grin upon the boy. I wrapped my arms around him snuggling into him as the other played with his hair.

'Didn't think I'd get to be this close to you.'

I glared up at him, and all he could do was smile. I didn't mind this feeling, I sought it so desperately for peace and well- something more. I placed my head in the crook of his neck, lips touching the skin of his neck, his hair tickingling my cheek as I laid under him.


I was cut off by the bright beaming shining down before it was mostly taken up by shadows of people. I looked up to see Shuji standing there worried and relieved to the point tears were brimming in his eyes yet no one else saw. His face turned to anger when he saw me cuddled up to his well- enemy. I let go of Mikey as one of his mates pulled him up; the tall one with the shaved sides and braid while I was carried out by Shuji who held me in his hands ever so tight. I stared at Mikey as he was scolded by his second in charge, Shuji let me out of his arms he disappeared probably to go beat up the two fighting gangs.

The junkyard began to disappear, delinquents crawling back into the darkness. Toman wandered beside Valhalla and while no one was injured doing the incident I still hadn't caught up.

'Toman!' I shouted,

They stopped, most of them just threw their heads over their shoulders while Mikey turned fully around. I walked towards him wrapping my arms around his neck and pulled him tightly into myself as I hugged him. He was surprised but cuddled me tightly. I knew he was glaring at Shuji yet the small kiss placed on my collarbone was so cute yet I guess he was showing off which made me smile.

I let go and stared at him.

'Bye you delinquent,'

'Says you..'

A smile stayed on his face yet disappeared into a monotone expression meeting the glaze of the rest of Valhalla; his reputation exceeds him yet they missed one thing: he was just like a little, loveable dog, a golden retriever even... too bad he wasn't mine... yet.

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