Shizuo Heiwajima X Reader

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No lights were turned on in the thirty first floor, second penthouse that had a perfect view over all of Ikebukuro. The penthouse stood still, quiet enough you could hear the neighbours kiss each other goodnight before they said "goodnight love" in sync. You sat on the floor staring out the ceiling windows upon the beautiful night sky. The "click" of the lock on the front door made you uneasy for a moment yet you continued to stare at the window specifically at the reflection of the front door. You watched it open to see a good friend of yours, Tom, alongside another man who looked pretty pissed to be here with a cigarette to his lip as he stared up and down the walls.

'Hey Y/n.' Tom grinned,

He wandered all the way to the side of you placing his hand on your head ruffling your hair, with the other man following behind like a child who just threw a tantrum following his mother angrily.

'Whose the blonde street cat?' you blurted out,

You wouldn't have it any other way to get to the cut, from the reflection you saw the blonde's anger which made you grin.

'This is Shizuo, he'll be your bodyguard for the night,' Tom sighed,

'Oooh I rather had a brunette, you know what they say about blondes-' tom cut you off

'Y/n stop pulling his tail. Anyway I got to rush!' Tom called,

By the time you turned your head around he was already out the door with it slamming it behind him leaving you with a blonde who still looked rather pissed due to you annoying the boy so much.

'Why the hell is it so dark?' he asked,

You let out a "tsk" getting to your feet. You turned around to stare at the blonde whose eyes began easy up as he stared at you.

'You can turn the lights on or you can keep your cigarette, either one, blondy.' you grinned,

You pushed past the boy slowly crawling onto the couch with your legs kicked out to the side of you. He just stared at you in the dark, placing his cigarette out of his lips and blowing smoke straight towards you.

'I don't even need you anyway, Tom's just overreacting.' you whined,

You watched him rummage in his pocket, he pulled his cigarette packet out of his pocket extending his arm out to you.

'Eh, babysitting a spoiled brat isn't what I wanted to do either.' he chuckled,

You took a cigarette placing it to your lips as he lit it for you, you pulled it away letting out a smoke in his face before you wandered to the kitchen. Grabbing a complimentary wine bottle you popped the lid, letting it spill slightly onto the floor before you took a small swig walking back over.

'Your not that bad, Shizuo.' you whispered,

You extended the bottle to him in which he took it as he took the cigarette out of his lip with the other hand.

'I don't drink.' he glared,

You shrugged your shoulders about to take the bottle out of his hand. He took a large swig before handing it back to you.

'Mr I don't drink..' you mocked,

It had been a few hours since the bottle was brought out, the cigarettes were burnt into the ashtray and the two of you sat on the coach bursting with laughter. The two of you spoke about embarrassing moments for the past as both of you were too drunk to realise how much you actually had. Shizuo chuckled which made you giggle in the process, turning heads to one another the two of you realised how close the two of you actually were. Lips so close that you could feel his breath. The two of you closed the gap, lips gently touching as you kissed each other for the first time. You too pulled back as the sober realisation hit the both of you before Shizou pulled you down slamming his lips against yours passionately.

--Time skip --

The sound of the door "clicking" woke you up, yet you refused to open your eyes or get up from your comfortable human pillow underneath you. You heard footsteps until a loud voice abruptly woke you up.

'SHIZUO! Y/N!' Tom screamed,

You shot straight up and so did your human pillow as the two looked at Tom, standing shocked upon the two of you. You turned your head to Shizuo, he was completely covered in lipstick smudges to the point he looked messy and you honestly wondered how bad you looked in comparison. You watched Tom turn around embarrassed as Shizuo switched places with you as he stood up.

'I need Shizuo for a few hours, he can return after.' Tom whispered,

You nodded your head, Shizuo bowed down placing a kiss on your lips before he stood back up following suit as the two of them left not before you obviously had to have the last words at the boys.

'See you later blondy.' you giggled as the door was shut. 

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