Miya Chinen X Reader

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Beads of sweat rolled down your forehead, rolling down your cheek before dripping upon the ground below from your chin. You couldn't remember the last time it had been this hot, to be fair it was halfly your fault too. You had chosen to wear long sleeves under your usual school uniform which was the dumbest thing you could ever do and you were only now receiving your karma. You grumbled, you placed your skateboard upon the ground as you began to skate away from the school. The hot air billowed in your face, yet it barely enough to cool you down from the hot day.

You swerved through the traffic, the sounds of car drivers shouting slings of swears at you in the distance as you tried to cool yourself down. You stopped at one of the corners further away from the main city, you weren't sweating as hard yet you were still hot and in desperate need of a cola. There was a convenient store across the road, they would close soon so you guessed that was your best stop to get a cola. You picked up your skateboard, walked across the zebra crossing, you walked through the store waving at the old store tender, as you headed to the fridge you saw another boy standing there. He looked around the same age as you, with very feline features and pretty green eyes.

The two of you walked forward, there was once cola left. You reached your hand out to grab it until the two of you bumped hands, realising you had both gone for the same exact drink, the last one too.

'I want it,' the boy grumbled,

You rolled your eyes, reaching forward you grabbed the cola holding it in your hands, you glared at him.

'Ladies first,'

You turned around flipping your hair to the point it hit him in the face as you walked to the store tender paying for it you saw the boy glare at you in anger. You stuck your tongue out, pulling your eye down as you mouthed "idiot" to the boy. You sat on the curb just outside the store your fingers were about to open the cola before someone sat beside you glaring at you like an angry cat.

'Let's have a skating competition for your cola.'

You let out a chuckle and turned to face the boy, were you seriously going to race a boy for one cola... the short answer is yes.

You stood up, your foot on your skateboard as you rolled it back and forth,

'to the next convenient store. If you win..' you paused tapping your finger against the bottom of your lip. 'If you win, I'll pay for your cola and-' you grinned wickedly, 'And if I win, you're buying another cola for me.'

He agreed to your conditions, and in a matter of moments the two of you were flying down the busy street, you swerved together in and out of traffic. You speed down the hills, both of you trying to beat each other yet it was obvious to you that he was much faster. The next convenient store came in sight, and as the two of you crossed the agreed finish line you knew you had lost seeing his board was an inch in front of yours and that smug smile upon his face as you two came to a halt.

'Seems like you're buying me a cola.' he chuckled,

You threw the cola you had to him, with a sigh you turned your head to him as you picked your skateboard up.

'You can have that one, it's warm.' you lied,

After a few moments in the store you were once again sitting on the curb with the boy. You sipped on the cola beside the boy. You could tell he was always staring at you, you turned to him and glared.

'I didn't catch your name cat, what is it?'

You saw him glare at you,

'Don't call me cat, my name is Miya-'

You cut him off,

'Miya Chinen right.'

You watched his cheeks glow red, probs due to the thought that he had been spotted in public by you.

'Yeah, I didn't catch you-' 'Y/n, y/n L/n.'

He nodded, and smiled. He watched you slowly stand up dusting your skirt as you chugged the little bit of cola you had left down. You turned to Miya and smirked, holding the empty can out. You threw it up at him in which he caught it. You pulled a pen out from your pocket bending down, you pulled his sleeve back as you wrote your name on his arm alongside your phone number with love hearts around it.

'Why did you do that?' he grumbled,

You just smirked,

'Well until we meet again Miya,' you giggled,

He glared at you and smiled. "Until we meet again, y/n" he mouthed, you waved goodbye to him as you slowly disappeared out of his sight. You were happy you met him that day, you had never met someone as like minded as him. Your little cat, you called him your little cat, your rival, your friend your everything, you were just happy to meet him that day. 

{A/n - Hi lovelies! Thank you so much for 30k+ you guys are amazing and inspire me everyday! I would love to keep positive but there has been a lot of copying with my book e.g. putting it on different websites, using the title and so on. Please do not do this, it's actually really disheartening and I put a lot of hard effort and work into this. So if you see a copy of this book please dm me and report it, if it's not done by agerasia01 (rize) on wattpad then it's a fake. I hope all of you guys have a  day or night love you all <//3 ) 

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