Takashi Mitsuya X Reader

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'A guy?'

A small nod among others, their faces glued to one another. Snapping back and forth perfectly like the evil step sisters they portrayed. Between the five of them gossiping about little things, they used mostly their hands to hide the spiteful things that blurted out of their mouths like some sort of disease.

'Yeah, that's what the class roll said when the president looked over it. Thirteen girls, one boy.'

'One boy?! Jeez he won't be the looker, any guy who isn't doing a sport is laughable.'

A small smile perked on your lips, yet they wouldn't know. The overhanging shadow fallen from your hooding hid every single facial feature except for the white string that fell either side of your face from your headphones. The soft buzz of the beat you knew blew against the stale atmosphere.

'Alright everyone!' you heard the club president shout,

You followed the rest of the herd, until your shoulders brushed. Your eyes snapped in confusion yet met with ones that look too relaxed to do anything of the sorts maliciously. His hands were thrown in the pockets of his sweater. He stopped and followed behind you, as you entered the classroom. Majority of the desks were shoved together by groups of friends.

You found the first desk away from anyone, your feet laid upon the desk as you heard the buttons of his jacket hit the edge of the stool as he took a seat beside you. The regular murmur of females giggles and gossip filled the air as they slowly began on whatever little project caught their attention in the first second of even being in class.

Your eyes flickered back to him, from his back he pulled out a jacket that you hadn't particularly seen before yet only knew the symbol. The fabric was mostly shredded apart from the writing that ran down the sides and on the front breast of it.

'Tokyo manji?' you muttered quietly,

You hadn't faced a member before, yet your brother's fan cries about the juvenile gangs in the area and how they were so subpar from actual yakuzas. He only knew them because he was a yakuza member. His eyes lit up as they snapped towards you, your head leant towards the sky as the hood fell off your head before you stared down once again at the jacket.

'Yeah how did you know?' you heard him question,

You smirked softly, 'my brothers a higher up in an actual yakuza,'

'Actual?' he grumbled,

His eyebrows raised, a smirk jerked upon his face as you could see some of his ego was chopped down. You didn't mean it on purpose as you stared at him with a smile,

'I mean he isn't a boy riding around his mates.'

You heard his soft chuckle, strung between a man's ego being knocked off its pedestal and actually finding it funny. He scratched his neck, you slowly held the fabric so it would bulge as it went through the sewing machine. Your eyes snapped, the faces of horrid little witches giggling as their heads snapped back to the front where they should have been originally.

'There's a meet up tonight,' he paused, 'How about you-'

You grimmed and placed your hoodie upon your head, covering your face once again, 'So not even one lesson in and you already invited me on a date.'

He chuckled and nodded,

'Well sure, prove me wrong.' you chuckled,

Your arms wrapped around yourself, the jumper was beginning to grow thin as the wind snapped passed. The large mountain of bikes lined in a row made you think you were in the right place. You watched footmen walk up the stairs of an old temple. The thud was the first thing you heard before you felt it. It impressed upon your shoulders as a gasp of a breath escaped your lips.

The black jacket laid upon your shoulders, your eyes turned towards the owner of the jacket. He had a peculiar soft smile upon his face.

'Thought you were a smart girl, it's winter and it gets cold.'

Your eyes rolled, as his hands dropped from your shoulders and slacked into his pockets. Your eyes darted to the other men, in your arm closest to him you link arms the other trailing to your side. You walked up the steps and to find the crowd of men, they were laughing and playing with one another.

You rolled your eyes and kept glued to his side, his friends eyes popping wide made you smile. His hand pulled your hoodie off and you returned to favor with a glare. You met many of his friends especially his team yet you stayed glued to him the entire time the furthest you went was an arms length and that was to get a drink.

'Thanks for tonight, Mitsuya.'

You smiled, pulling his jacket off your shoulders, folding it in your hands as you stood before your door. You handed it back to him, He chucked it over his shoulder, your arms wrapped around him as you gave him a small hug.

The familiar click of the door made you nervous, you watched his eyes grow wide and his grip on you go cold. Your eyes snapped back towards the door. Your brother stood there, a hand still upon the door knob as his face rested in anger.

'Y/n, in.' he grumbled, you were pulled by your hood into the door. You stood just in front of your father, seeing an almost shocked look on Mitsuya as you walked away.

You heard mutters of a conversation, yet nothing that you could honestly put your finger on or make out in words. Except, for Mitsuya saying yes sir like a broken record. You felt bad, you should have told him that your father was hard towards boys but you knew you would have to apologize to him tomorrow in the textiles club. 

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