Toge Inumaki X Reader

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'Where do you think you're going?' his voice chimed with glee, his face lit up by the moon with his usual cheshire grin staring towards me,

The pillow tucked under my arm; one slipper upon the floor the other crunched up with my toes upon the floor and the other caught mid air. The oversized shirt I used as pjyama shirt was not my own and the same person who owned the shirt left his mark; soft old red marks running down my usually hidden neck as I stared away in horror.

'Nothing...' I mumbled with a big grin, both of us knowing full well that the Gojo Satoru - my teacher, had caught me escaping from the first year dorms and two the second year dorms,

He smirked and leant close to my face, savouring the moment as if he could repeat it in a few years time with the famous quote "remember when i caught you..." he was that type of person.

'Curse user hey? Inumaki~' he cooed,

'What are you doin-' I was cut off by a very obvious female voice with a lustful sound, calling his name. Both our eyes widened, embarrassed in both situations I looked at him with gawking lips and raised eyebrows. He awkwardly giggled knowing even he too was caught.

'Agree to not speak about this again?'

He nodded as we both went our separate ways. Not to speak about this issue again.

I pushed open his obviously open door, seeing him lounged in his bed staring upon his door as if he had been waiting for ages. Toge's soft smile before he stuck his tongue out pissed off that I took a little longer than I should have. He inched back as I slowly climbed in; he felt my cold legs against him, his arms rushing to warm me up.

'You wouldn't believe it-' the only way Inumaki and my relationship worked was that we played into each other's love language. His was physical touch and mine was quality time and while we were constricted by his innate technique it never seemed to bother us as Inumaki rather listen and I rather talk. I told him about Gojo and his mistress I didn't see, I told him everything I did today and more.

Though he hated to sleep before me I watched his eyes softly hide behind his eyelids. His arms wrapped around me softened, his breath went into a steady pattern not like the way whenever our eyes met his heart would skip.

'Night my baby boy.' I whispered to him, hearing him moan and grumble as I kissed his forehead pushing the strands away.


'Where were you Y/n?' Nobara questioned,

I rolled my eyes with a soft smile. Though it was to the unconscious desperation to blush. I placed my hands above my head, swaying side to side as I watched Yuji's and Megumi's horrible attempt at running track.

'I had to speak to Gojo last night and it was a bit too late and I was too tired so passed out on his couch.'

She nodded her head letting out a soft "oooh" noise, my head snapped towards Megumi and Yuji both panting. Hands upon their knees as they doubled over huffing and puffing to see who would be the fastest though it wasn't Megumi's idea.

'Ah first years.' I heard panada's familiar voice,

Beside him I watched him snake onto the field beside my beautiful boyfriend whose eyes hadn't left the ground. He was so cute with his cute little tracksuit. His hands shoved in his pockets as I slowly watched his eyes lift to the two first year boys arguing about dumb things.

'Hi Inumaki~' I cooed from across the field, I watched his head lift towards me as his feet twisted and he fell face first.

I burst out giggling covering my lips with my hand as I felt bad but couldn't help it, Nobara laughed too. Once the initial giggle was over I walked over towards him helping him up; I made sure I kissed his dirt covered cheek before anyone noticed. He escaped my grip making sure no one knew anything was more between us.

I caught his gaze every moment and when no one was looking I sent him soft air kisses in which he caught and shoved in his pocket for later. In return for a real one. 

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