Mikey Sano X Reader

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{As Requested} 

You couldn't believe what you had just agreed to. Twenty-four hours- twenty-four hours to ignore your sweet, innocent boyfriend because Emma saw a tik tok then dared you. It was okay because you had school yet when you woke up this morning and saw his text you felt absolutely awful.

"Hi my beautiful kitten, love you alot. Hope you had the sweetest of dreams."

His text read like so yet all you could do was ignore it. You were lucky it was a school day and yours and Mikey's schools were a long distance apart from each other. You fixed your skirt and did up your laces on your shoes, grabbing your bag and checking yourself in the mirror before leaving your house. From the distance you could see Mikey and Draken coming towards you. Usually in the mornings Mikey and Draken would walk you to the train station, Mikey would hug you and give you a kiss and you would hug Draken since he was like your big brother. You quickly turned the other way, it was slightly longer yet it stopped you from bumping into your dear boyfriend.

You had made it through the whole school day. You had thought about Mikey a lot, you missed him and all you wanted to do was to jump into his arms. Kiss his face and cuddle him until your heart's continent. You found him waiting at the gates, turning to Hinata and telling her about the whole thing. She agreed to help you, giving you one of her hooded jackets you flipped over your head so you weren't obvious. You walked beside her, Mikey and Draken moved towards Hinata which made you feel nervous.

'Hinata!' Draken called,

You continued to stand next to Hinata, staring at the ground yet you could still see your dear boyfriend.

'Hey Draken,' Hinata chirped,

By Mikey's facial expression you could tell he was beginning to worry and stress. You just continued to stand there listening.

'Have you seen Y/n, she hasn't been responding to us nor have we seen her since yesterday.' Draken sighed,

You needed to leave, you felt horrible about the whole situation. You could tell Hinata could see it written across your face.

'Sorrry Mikey! Sorry Draken! I haven't seen her gotta rush.'

Hinata dragged you away, leaving the two boys confused. You thanked Hinata before you went towards The Sano residents knowing Mikey was heading towards your house. Of course Emma, opened the door and the unwavering feeling of you wanting to punch her in the face stuck you like a bus.

'You got an hour or so left, go chill in his room.' she sighed,

You just nodded your head, wandering into his room you settled yourself in his bed. Snuggling his pillow which was doused in his scent. You guessed all the stress had made you tired because in a matter of minutes you had fallen asleep.

Your eyes slowly waved open, sitting there you were sure you had only slept for a minute or so yet that was obviously false. Emma, Mikey, Draken, stood over you. They all turned to stare at you, Mikey looked like he wanted to cry as he stared at you. You felt bad, you watched him leap almost into your arms. He held you tightly which brought tears to your eyes to the point you began to drench Mikey's shirt. You couldn't help but constantly whisper "i'm sorry", you could feel him constantly smile behind you.

Slowly, he rolled you over to the point you were laying on his chest. Draken sat on the edge of the bed near your feet and Emma was apologising profusely about the whole situation. Mikey just cuddled you the heck out of you. You guessed from the amount of kisses Mikey placed upon your body that you were surely not gonna leave his side for hours upon hours, yet you didn't mind it was the one thing you wanted to do was lay in his arms snuggle up to him over and over again until your heart's content. All you could do was lay in his lap continuously snuggling up to him as he did the same thing to you. 

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