Mereoleona Vermillion X Reader

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Mereoleona was more of a woman than you could have ever been, she was a fiery woman who stood up for things while you were merely just her little assistant. Yet why did she love you? She could have any man or woman in the entire kingdom of Clover, so why did she love you.

You heard her voice call for you, snapping you out of your turning thoughts. Your face went bright red, as you watched her walk towards you as if in slow motion with doves, cupids and the whole love hearts scheme yet you couldn't peel your eyes off her. You watched the flames in her eyes burn bright and you wondered what you had done which made you feel more nervous on top of the normal nerves you feel when she's around you. She grabbed your collar as you watched her eyes flicker before she dragged you off to one of the quiet corners of the Vermillion House. She harshly shoved you against one of the pillars kissing you harshly yet you didn't return her kiss.

She pulled away with anger written all across her face, "Why do you love me?" she opened her mouth but you cut her off "You could have anyone but why me, I'm nothing." You looked at her with tears in your eyes, only seeing her smile made you feel worse. "I don't want anyone else but you, y/n. You're my world, not nothing so never say that again!" She demanded watching the tears roll down your face, you moved closer towards her kissing her lips as she kissed you back.

The two of you pulled away while she played with your hair as you hid your blushing face on her chest. The two of you heard a familiar wolf whistling looking up and you saw Leopold smirking at the two of you like the supportive brother. For the rest of the day you spent chasing after Mereoleona who was trying to kill Leopold for wolf whistling in a private moment.

(A/N: Short one but hope you liked it, I tried to go for a non-binary Y/n as I don't know people's preferences and want to make everyone feel comfortable.)  

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