Kokushibo X Reader

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(A/N - for all you cuties! Just a small warning there is violent scenes and such and death, don't read if this stuff scares you! stay save, love you) 

Storms at night always had a with people. A touch of something truly exotic, sent lighting across the scatter minds of those surrounding and the all mysterious clouds that faded into nothingness soon after yet they always had a touch of danger that sent shivers down your spine.

You flopped against the railing, arms sunk into the wood hidden with a hue of amber and a touch of chestnut too. Your fingers traced the grooves tracing them with the possible threat of a splinter lurking made it even more amusing to do so. It was a burden for any one related to a daimyo, for you it was equally as painful as being stabbed in the heart with your eyes bulged out of your head. Reserveness was key, this period called for the lack of any physical means unless you're making love or killing someone.

As amusing as the topic was, it did not capture your fancy. The haze of sea-sick greens that covered topped to bottom of the sky all wrapped in a blanket of hues of grays was eye-capturing. You hadn't heard the steps till it was too late, and even feeling the warmth of a presences you hadn't realised it was her.


You jumped, startled by her sudden appearance yet didn't dare to turn to her. You scolded her knowing she was only able to see partial of your face.

'I beg to be excused-' she began, yet you hadn't the time for her silly nonsense cutting her off in the middle of her sentence without an utter care;

'Do you think the lords are angry atoning for someone's undeniable deads, or perhaps something in the future? Like a warning.'

She hadn't given you a single care, rather told you off for being in such thin and flimsy clothing for a cold and dark night. "Young ladies" in her words, weren't supposed to be all by them selves in the dark of night. Especially the dangers of demons lurking close to the district line, yet what did it matter when the life you played was worth only jewels and nothing other. You couldn't care about jewels and money, the only thing you cared about was someone seeing you for you, worthing you not in your weight in gold but as a human being.

'I'll be in soon, just one more lighting shot.' You begged,

She was much older than you, and you worthy her like a mother rather than someone subpar too you. Her face untwisted itself a small nodd before she disappeared into the building. It caught your eye before you heard it. The sound of it cracking was like the snap of a tree as it decided to wither away, it adorned the world in a flash before disappearing as soon it came.

The face of an enemy came face to face with you. It wasn't the only thing illuminated by the sharp blade that began to appear from his back drawn straight towards you. I ducked yet it sliced across my skin softly before I realized and it began to sting.

It snapped you back into reality, the sound of the large drums beating as fast as your heart will beat without going without jumping out of your ribcage.

'DEMON!' a few screamed,

You bolted as guards appeared like bees drawn to pollon. You were petrified, the type of fear that would hold anyone to their death beds yet you ran for the fear of a spiteful and meaningless death. Small sharp bushes clawed at you, pulling strings of fabric away from your kimono yet you ran into the bush just to hide to keep your nothing of a life for a little while longer.

You turned your head back before it was snapped. Your body imobalised, lifted off the ground by a few inches. A hand to your throat lifting you up as you made subtle but obvious gulps and muffles of sounds for air. You tried so desperately hard to hide your gaze from his thrilling eyes each one staring so intensely at you that you were beginning to break a sweat.

Your heart paced a little while longer, you lips trembled; 'Please.' you coughed, 'I don't want to die.' you muttered,

You watched his face grow closed, in a flinch you shut your eyes for what you thought would be the last time but the soft wet feeling of something slid across the small cut. Your eyes flung open and your cheeks red and your eyes turned to him. A mixture of disgust and anger on his face made you wince away when you made eyecontact. You watched the other demon jump out but be slaughtered by him in a matter of milliseconds. He dropped you to your feet yet you slumped to your knees as fast as he killed the demon. His fingers traced his lips where a small droplet still remained before he licked it off, still disgusted with the taste.

'Your blood is too sweet.' he spat out, 'i'll be back when it's ripe.'

He disappeared in the snap of the lighting strike far off in the forest, ran spattered upon your face yet hardly anywhere else. Your body soonly draped the bee-hive pattern upon his nagagi kimono placed over your shoulders and just upon the crown of your head.


You snapped your head around knowing it wouldn't be the last time you ever saw that demon. 

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