Reo Mikage X Reader

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Obsession, that was the relationship between people and money. It had the world wrapped around it's pinkie except for him, guess he ruled the money. I questioned what you could give a kid like him for his birthday, someone who has everything.

My train of thoughts  I had been riding on for the last two hours of my shift had come to a halt. Slammed on the brakes too fast and had flipped killing all leadways and main characters that had hogged the last few working brain cells. This can not be right, he overpaid his table's meals by ten thousand yen? The notes lingered in my hand, more than I had at any given time. As I began to count them once again making sure I hadn't been going crazy.

My feet softly moved towards the purple haired boy beside his drowsy white haired friend. I bowed profusely, cheeks burnt as I felt awkward to discuss such a taboo topic like money especially to guys near my age. With the last bit of courage I spoke nervously with small stumbles on a usually well rehearsed speech I knew off the top of my head.

'Sir this money-'

He chuckled, his fingers ran through his pocket before he pulled out another large wad of cash that matched his original amount of ten thousand yen. Sat within my hands was twenty thousand yen, as I took a gulp about to faint over the money he spoke.

'It's fine really, don't worry you were amazing, I don't mind paying you extra!' He chuckled,

His purple hair was loose and the majority of it was placed within a small ponytail with a few strands around his face. His smile was cutely sweet, and I had to advert my eyes as the money was pushed back towards him politely.

'No, It's uhh too much. I didn't partially do anything to deserve it and I don't think I can take all this money. I feel guilty if I do.'

By the open lip look upon his face and the wide eyes as if he hadn't ever gotten no though he was grateful. His hand pushed mine back towards my chest, his smile eating up his entire face, he looked at the money and back down towards me soft and sweet.

'It's fine, Miss-' his eyes darted down to my name and took a look upon my nametag, 'Y/n. You deserve it, thank you- for everything.'

He picked up his friend and left with a soft smile and wave. I sat on the floor as they left internally screaming at all the money that I held within my hand.

꒪ യ ★ 🍙 。゚

I had a funny feeling that day that they'd come back, they came almost every day and ordered the same thing except for a desert every once and while. I stared upon Reo, lips pouted as the check was held within my hand. We stared upon another with a soft glare seeing which one would collapse first to the other's argument. I placed the check, passed the emptied plates and drinks and stood over him glaring, counting the money he had placed down making sure he hadn't added a tip or any extra.

'Uh uh no, Reo.' I called, catching his hand filled with the extra ten thousand yen,

He gave a guilty smirk and though I had held him back he still managed to push past my strength and place the notes down upon the wooden bowl.

'Reo you know I don't want you tipping anymore.' I muttered placing the money back in his hand and taking the rest before he could say any but or if,

The cafe was quiet, they were the only customers who laid within the room. I placed the change within a jokingly annoyed Reo's hand though he still tried to pass me the money. He shuffled across and I sat down, tying the apron slightly looser like the pair of jeans a person would wear sitting down compared to their standing jeans.

I felt my pocket being played with turning my head. I swore, Reo tried to shove money within my pocket. I placed it back into his pocket.

'Reo you know I don't need all that. I can't take it! It's too much.' I cried softly,

'Then let me take you on a date. I want to spend the money on you.'

Even a tired Nagi looked surprised, my face burnt. Cheeks inflamed and trailing hot, I stared upon Reo Mikage. A prestigious boy questioning why he'd want to date someone who wasn't even on his pedigree level. I quickly averted my eyes, our hands clasped together,

'Reo, are you sure?' I questioned him,

He smiled and nodded. His hands were softly shaking as they held mine, a toothy grin upon his lips as I stuttered a few words.

'Sure but I'm paying!' I giggled to him smiling,

'No, a guy never makes the pretty girl pay. Plus I never want you to spend your hard earned money upon me, it's too precious.' He smirked,

He told me a time and a date that worked for the two of us. Nagi, though unbothered, decided he wanted to see how things were and invited both himself and I over to Reo's home when the date was over. I smiled and kissed his cheek quickly running back behind the register for a couple that had walked back in. Reo and Nagi left as soon as my attention had faded from them to the beginning to seep into the rush hour cafe. He kissed my cheek before leaving, and I couldn't help the blush and all the older lady's swoon at such a gentleman my date, Reo Mikage was. 

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