All Might X Reader

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The sun shone through the curtains of the bedroom, the sound of birds chirping from outside the window made her smile. Y/n rolled across the king bed falling into dent in the mattress from her husband transforming into his muscle form, which made the woman chuckle a bit as it felt she was closer to the man though right now he was teaching at UA. Y/n's eyes flickered open slowly as her hand gripped around his pillow, she let out a sigh before rolling to the edge as she got from the bed. Wandering out of the bedroom, Y/n walked down the hallway before reaching the kitchen. Her head swiveled along with her body towards the fridge, she pulled the door open before staring at the bento box belonging to All Might her husband. She let out a loud sigh face palming herself before pulling it out of the fridge and onto the kitchen island, 'the idiot must have forgotten his lunch' she thought. Y/n quickly wandered back to the shared bedroom putting on a cute outfit that was presentable and comfortable, something she could wear in front of his colleague.

Y/n smiled in the mirror twisting around to see it from all angles, she quickly turned around jogging back to the kitchen, She grabbed the bento box, her phone and her keys before leaving the shared house, she locked the doors before hopping into the car. She drove for twenty minutes before parking outside the gate, Y/n wandered up to the gate with a smile she wandered through the gates without any problems which made her chuckle a bit. She wandered through the school holding the bento box in both her hands, Y/n stared at the first year door. She cracked her fingers before pulling the door open with one hand before walking slightly in. All the students eyes were on Y/n which made her slightly uncomfortable as she stared at all of them before she looked at her husband in his muscle form who had turned pink as he stared at her. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" All Might rubbed his neck walking slightly forwards his wife as she held out the bento box with a smile. "You forgot your lunch, idiot." Y/n smirked as his face went redder she walked forward grabbing his overly large hand as she continued to hold it not realizing how long the two had been holding hands before the class interrupted. "Are you two married!" Mina shouted standing up before Y/n let go of his hand placing her hand back on the bento box with a large blush, All Might nodded his hand making all the girls scream and cheer.

"I should be going, I'll see you later at home." Y/n turned her head the other way from the class before All Might slight bent down wrapping his arms around the small girl yet she just held his chest with one hand and the bento in the other, he placed a kiss on her cheek placing his mouth close to her ear "Love you" he secretly whispered before letting her go. He took the bento from her hands with a smile "Bye Y/n." He smiled as she turned around and waved before leaving with a smile. All Might sighed and his fingers ran across the fabric she had wrapped it with before turning to the class who began to scream that she and he were so cute and that she should visit more often which made him chuckle.

All Might sighed the day was finally finished and he stood at the door, he slowly used his key to open it up, he walked in yet it was completely silent except for the tv in the lounge room, which wasn't unusual but he would usually see a head peak around the corner which he didn't which made him sad a bit. He walked more into the house, checking the rooms in the hallway yet he still found no wife of his, he turned into the kitchen to see all his favourite foods laying across the island, and a beautiful woman that he calls his wife standing there smiling at him. His eyes widened as he realized this was the life he craved more than anything with the person he loved. 

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