Dazai Osamu X Reader

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{As requested} 

You heard them. You always heard them. They were always there. Always. The voices never stopped, they were small whispers in the night that only grow bigger and bigger the more time passed. You'd see them in the mirror as if they were there but when you reach out or turn your head, it was only you. You were crazy to everyone else, the armed detective agency all thought you withdrew yourself out of social events, and you were left to yourself. You were left to yourself, your thoughts, the hallucinations, you were alone in this darkness of a spiral consuming you. Your body begged for the light, begged for the comfort of someone else to speak to you, to hold you, to understand what you're going through, yet you couldn't ask nor did you know how to.

You spend your days in reputation, those hallucinations always followed; by nine o'clock you were at your desk beginning the papers as your job as a clerk at the Armed Detective Agency. Words seemingly began to slide down the page and you had to look away all the time and back again. You watched the members appear, none of them saw you; none of them even bothered to look at you until one did. A head appeared on the other side of your desk as if they were crouched down. It was dazai. He loved to ask pretty women to jump off bridges or sit in bathtubs with toasters. Yet he never paid attention to you, never did you think you were a pretty woman so why was he interested in you. Doppo had quickly seen where Dazai was and dragged him away to the president while you sat idle by still five steps back from when he was staring straight at you.

Time had passed once again; your hour break was on your schedule and like so you went to the cafe shop like always where you would buy a small strawberry milkshake. You took your normal path yet something was off, the feeling of being followed haunted your every waking moment. You put it aside believing it was just a hallucination as you got into the cafe you ordered your things and began to walk back. When you passed a few shops he was standing there. He was staring at you.

'Mind if we go for a walk?'

You nodded your head and you followed him to an alleyway, leaning against the wall sipping on the straw. He gave you a smirk while he leant across from you glaring at you as if he was trying to work you out.

'The darkness can be beautiful sometimes too.'

It took you a few moments to comprehend what he had said; in those moments you stared at him utterly confused. He laughed at your confusion as he took a few steps forward standing in front of you with a smile.

'You and I linger in the darkness, but the darkness can be just as beautiful too when you're with someone.'

You stood there shocked, he understood. He understood. He understood! You slid down the wall as tears began to perk on the corner of your eyes before it overfilled. They slid down one at a time as he just stared at you with a smile as his hand reached out to you and in that moment things weren't as dark as before. Things were clear as you grabbed his hand and the darkness could be just as beautiful as the light.

'Thank you,' you whispered,

Yet all he did was smile at you as he pulled you away into the darkness, hand in hand. 

𝗕𝗶𝗴 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗢𝗳 𝗔𝗻𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗢𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀 | 𝗢𝗡𝗘Where stories live. Discover now