Tomura Shigaraki X Reader

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(A/n - Y/n is the daughter of David Shield she is also a scientist and I'm sorry if this story is bad and not to your liking). 

The technological paradise for research, I-Island had become too much for the young scientist with everything that had happened in the past week and with the new launch of her products had sent her into a downwards spiral of stress. So with that and the permission from her mentor and father David Shield, she was given a few weeks to Musutafu, Japan to stay with her Uncle, All Might.

Her feet skipped along the pavement with her suitcase dragging along behind her, she hadn't been out of I-Island since she was a kid. She forgot what the world looked like outside and to her amazement it felt like a slice of home. There weren't people trying to get an autograph or take a photo of her nor were there people trying to sabotage her work which made her smile. Y/n stopped to the side of the footpath letting people pass by, she pulled her phone from her skirt pocket scrolling through her contacts until she found the phone number of her Uncle. She placed her phone to her ear hearing it ring over and over yet the man didn't pick up, her mind came up with the conclusion that he was probably teaching at UA High School. Y/n sighed as she placed her phone into her pocket and began to walk in the direction of the school as ordered by her father and his many rules he had told her in cases of emergencies.

Unbeknown to the young scientist she had been followed since the airport by a villain in the shadows whose body was entirely covered by a purple mist except for his eyes. She let a small yawn escape from her lips, she took a right down a small alleyway that seemed to continue on into the darkness. Her feet stopped as she stared at the closed alleyway, with a huff she slowly turned around only to be hit on the side of the head with a glass bottle by the villain, Kurogiri who caught her as soon as she passed out. Happy with this he opened a warp gate sending both him and the unconscious girl to the League Of Villains base.

It had been a few minutes since Kurogiri had warped him and his target to the base, he placed her gently on the ground watching her as a hawk until she woke up, Shigaraki stood in the middle of the room he had eagerly been awaiting the arrival of her. With a slight forward nod Y/n had woken up to a stinging pain in the side of her head she pulled her hand slowly up onto her head opening her eyes she realized she wasn't at the alleyway nor anywhere she knew. Looking up she saw the warp gate villain standing directly in front of her and Shigaraki, who sat on the stool at the bar staring intently at her before staring into his drink with a slight smile. "I'm sorry miss Shield for your abrupt kidnapping but what the boss orders is what the boss wants." Kurogiri had spoken out of line which earned him getting an angry tsk from Shigaraki, who with a flick of the wrist Kurogiri was sent out of the room.

There was a soft silence between the two, Shigaraki picked up the glass taking a sip before hopping off the stool and walking forward to the girl. He stood over her before bending down and placing the glass against the side of her head. He slowly placed his hand on her cheek making sure he didn't decay her skin as he stroked a strand of hair behind her ear with a small smile on his cracked lips. Maybe it was the pain or her mind not fully awoken but she slowly leant in at the same time he did his lips though cracked were soft to the touch, he slowly pulled his arms around hers letting his lips pull apart from hers with the loud annoyance of her phone going off in her pocket. She tugged it out of her skirt pocket, it was an incoming phone call from her uncle All Might which made Shigaraki groan as he slowly placed his head on her shoulder as she answered it.

The phone call lasted for a couple minutes in those few minutes Shigaraki had realized All Might had been wondering where she was which she replied with a lie saying she had gotten stuck in traffic, yet the boy had gotten bored so he continued to twirl her hair around his finger angry that he wasn't been talked to. Shigaraki had enough by the time she had said her goodbye for the moment, he grabbed her face and placed a soft kiss on her lips, before slumping his head back on her shoulder "I hate your last name." the boy grumbled as he ran his hands through her hair placing his lips on the curve of her neck. "Why?" Y/n was confused with the boy's sudden outburst "Because it's not mine your name is now Y/n Shigaraki ." It wasn't everyday a villain you just met wanted to be your husband right off the bat which made Y/n smile at the thought. "Fine," Y/n eyes drew weary. She was tired with everything that had happened today and fell asleep with the boy still holding onto her, he smiled slowly pulling her sleeping body into his lap, placing his head against the wall. His eyes began to shut and he drifted into sleep. 

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