014. Hanging w/ Chase

Start from the beginning

It was empty because Callie went to go hang with her friends. I don't mind being alone. I set my bag down and walked in the kitchen.

Recently, Callie and I have cooked cookies. She's felt bad ever since the missed curfew incident so she's wanted us to bake cookies together. I open the cookie container and grab a salted caramel cookie.

I take a napkin and put two cookies on it and grab a bag of chips and a bottle of water. I walk upstairs with my snacks. I lay on my bed and turn on my tv.

I turned on HULU and watched '9-1-1' because that's currently my favorite show right now. I realized I haven't talked to Ash all day so I decided to text him to see how he's doing.

Me: Hey. I haven't talked to you all day, are you okay?

Ash 💕: idk how is chase?

What? How did he even know that Chase and I hung out today? Oh, Chase's story.

Me: What does that mean?

Ash 💕: you kissing him too now? huh?

Me: What? Are you serious?

He knows that he's the only guy that I'm interested in. Why is he talking like this?

Ash 💕: i don't have time to talk to u, if u wanna go and fuck Chase then go ahead.

I want to text him back but I chose not to. He's ridiculous and I feel so terrible. I'm having a good day so I just turn my phone off and continue to watch my show.

Two hours have passed and I'm still home alone. I'm laying on my phone playing a game of Candy Crush. I totally had forgotten this was an app in my phone.

Ash 💕: im picking u up

I sit up, confused. He was literally just mad at me for hanging out with Chase. Refusing to argue back, I just say okay.

Me: Ok.

I still have clothes from earlier on. I place on my pink slides and pull my hair up in a high ponytail. The drive from his house to mine isn't very long.

I wait downstairs for him and I hear a honk which catches my attention. I grab my house keys and locked the door once I step out of the house.

His car is in my driveway and I open the door and go in. He gives me a look and just starts the ignition and drive off.

I look up and we're in his driveway. He turns off the car and we both get out. I nervously follow behind him until we're in his room.

He closes the door and looks back at me. I keep my head down because I don't want to witness him getting mad at me.

"Come here." He soon says in a soft voice and I look up at him.

I walk up to him and he pulls me close and holds me against his chest. He's hugging me? I thought he was mad at me. I just hugged him back because I missed him today.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles.

"It's okay." I say.

"No it's not. I was in a bad mood and this shit with my dad. I saw Chase's story and I just took all of my frustrations out on you and I shouldn't have." He says.

I look up at him and wrap my arms around his neck. He looks back down on me. I pull him down and kiss his lips softly, letting him know that it's okay.

Once I pull away, he looks at me confusingly. I just smile at him. He smiles back. I take his hand and walk with him to his bed.

We both lay down and to relieve his tension and anger, I suggest that we have a chill night. He agrees and orders pizza and we watch a Netflix movie.

I don't know what movie we're watching but I didn't care because he seemed to be in a better mood. He had gotten me honey bbq wings. I tried offering him one but he shook his head.

I lean back on his chest and I feel him place a soft kiss on my head. I look back up at him and smile.

"You're so beautiful." He says with a gleam in his eyes.

It's very happy to know that I've made his day by just being in his presence.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Not much this chapter... just Gracia doing her thing lol. I haven't really been getting ideas. Next update on Thursday. Comment your thoughts and vote. Thanks for reading!

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