"Will you... go to cotillion with me?"

That was all he said, I deflated and sighed as he looked rather proud of himself,

"Carlos, if you want a girl to be wowed you're gonna have to try harder than that. You have a crush on this girl? Then confess! Speak out about it before you ask her to cotillion, it'll make her far more interested and invested in you, trust me!"

He furrowed his brow and looked from Jay to me as they were about to celebrate, but as Carlos's friend I refuse to let him go down in flames here like he would be if he went all simple like that,

"But how? I mean... I don't know what to say"

I sighed and cocked my leg and put my hands on my hips,

"Well, what do you like about her? What about this girl entices you to the point of romantic affection? Her smile? Her laugh? Her eyes? Her personality? Whatever it may be, tell her! She's not a fire breathing dragon, she's a girl!"

Carlos sighed and thought for a moment before slowly nodding, a smile slowly bloomed on his lips after a few moments,

"Now try again"

I said with a smile as I went back to purposely looking cute and batting my lashes as he got himself mentally re-situated. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath again before opening his eyes and muttering the name of his crush again before speaking up,

"I've been meaning to say this for a while, but... you're just the most amazing girl I've ever met. You're packed with charm and quirks that I can't help but love, you're caring and gods... beautiful beyond words to be honest. I mean it's like I look into your eyes and see a whole cloudless sky in them, it's unlike something I've ever seen, you are unlike anything I've ever experienced... so I was wondering if you'd come to cotillion with me? And if you want... after that could you be my girlfriend?"

I brightly smiled and playfully punched his shoulder with pride,

"That's it, that is how you knock a girl off her feet and right into your arms!"

I excitedly spoke as I gave him a proud smile. He deeply exhaled and smiled at me with a chuckle,

"Thanks Elle, that helped a lot. Now the problem is talking to her specifically"

I giggled and gave him a reassuring smile and pat on the shoulder,

"I believe in you, you're a kind gentleman so any girl that knows best would be lucky to have you, you got this bud"

He absolutely lit up at my words of encouragement and chuckled, scratching the back of his neck as he did,

"Gee, thanks Elena"

Was all he could get out with his giggles and slight red tint he got to his cheeks. Jay gently rested his hand on my shoulder which made me look over to him,

"Am I a gentleman?~"

I giggled and gave him a bit of an awkward smile. Jay isn't really the type of guy to give you his jacket when you're chilly or open the door for you and stuff, he's... a little more flirt driven. So I only laughed at his question and didn't give him a verbal answer, I didn't want to hurt his feelings. His look got a bit more blank and embarrassed as I only laughed and turned to face the girl walking up to the group. Oh it's Jane! Jane's great, I have her in some of my classes and she is just the most pleasant gal ever. She happily smiled as she approached the group,

"Oh hey Elena! Mal-"

She began but was cut off by Carlos who stepped forward a little, I nonetheless gave her a little polite wave that she gave me right back before turning her attention to Carlos as he butted in,

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