who holds what?

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hello my slightly [or very] crazy readers! i'm going ✨ M E N T A L✨

anywayssss, i finally updated! so yeah i haven't updated in a while, but that's because i had exams, winter break, and finally my birthday! also, this one is kinda different but eh.

disclaimer - nothing. belongs. to. meeeeeeeeeeee. [yes i know you can see i'm going insane, but let's not mention it-]

enjoy reading!


who holds what?

1. The umbrella, when it rains - Oh, definitely Percy. As Annabeth is a little shorter, if she holds it, Percy has to bend and it becomes uncomfortable for him. And, anyway, Annabeth loves getting wet in the rain. So it's usually Annabeth dancing in the rain and Percy holding the umbrella and screaming at her to get under the umbrella or she'll get sick.

2. The popcorn, at the cinema - Annabeth. She loves her butter popcorn. She never shares with anyone, and I mean ANYONE. Percy is sometimes an exclusion, but he prefers jelly beans, gummy bears and skittles over popcorn.

3. The baby, when it cries - They both do it, but when the baby cries, it's mainly Annabeth. Her motherly and womanly instincts just take over, and she can calm him/her down in an instant. Percy usually just stands and gawks, if he's not passed out from exhaustion.

4. The ice cream cone, when they share - NEITHER. Seriously, they never share. Don't even bring this up in front of them, or they'll pull you into a heated argument of which ice cream flavour is better. Percy adores the blue bubblegum, while Annabeth absolutely hates it. Annabeth, believe it or not, loves chocolate in any way, shape or form, so her favourite is the chocolate. Percy doesn't completely hate it, but he still thinks every other flavour is better.

5. The remote, when they sit down to watch a movie - They go turn by turn. One night Percy chooses, while the next, Annabeth does. But usually they end up doing something weird [like sliding around their apartment in fuzzy socks], falling asleep or making out, rather than finishing the movie.

6. The basket, when they go shopping - Is that even a question? ANNABETH! Percy totally diverts from the healthy and essential food they actually need and picks out chips, soda and candy. Once, while Annabeth was sick, she sent him to the supermarket to get soup ingredients, but instead, he came back with chocolates, doritos, and coke. Annabeth never let him go to the supermarket alone again.

7. The door, on dates - Percy. Sally had drummed into his head that one of the most important things on dates was chivalry. And some people might think it's out of fashion, but Percy agreed it was important. And even though Annabeth rolls her eyes at him and calls him ridiculous when he does something chivalrous, she secretly loves it.

8. The other's hand, most often - Again, Percy. He holds it all the time. And even though, Annabeth does it often too, she's still apprehensive about showing affection, as she was brought up in a tough environment. But, slowly, she starts opening up and showing more affection towards everyone.

9. Their breath, upon seeing the other on their wedding day - While Annabeth is walking down the aisle, looking like a freaking goddess, Percy does. He can't fathom the fact that he's marrying the amazing woman he fell in love with when he was sixteen. But when Percy starts reading his vows, which he wrote himself, in the iconic Percy style, Annabeth did. And she also cried. Percy's words were raw and plain beautiful.

10. The camera, when they take pictures together - Both of them do. They both love taking goofy and weird pictures together, to document their memories. The pictures and/or polaroids usually turn out blurry, one of them red because of laughter, or something weird, but both love it.


done! i like this. it's really different from my usual style, but i like it.

also, another update might be coming. MIGHT. i mean, probably, but who knows?

aaand, listen to yellow hearts by ant saunders. that thing is my life rn.

if you liked it, please don't forget to vote, comment and follow!

hakuna matata!

peace out ✌

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