Chapter o3

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This book is gonna move on fast .So keep up 🚌 💨 -🏃🏃 🚶

Yari POV

Adoption was the last thing that I thought would happen to me.Why do i have to be adopted anyway? I guess it wont be that bad, Atleast ill get food to eat there and a bed to sleep in.

I have been in foster care for a total of 2 weeks due to them pushing the date back. She was supposed to be coming today in a few and I didn't even know the persons name.

I didn't talk to anyone here exept for two young girls. They were twins named Katie and Kylie about 8 years old. I sat in the room with them as we talked about random things.

Katie looked up at me."Yari?" She questioned.

"Yes?" I answered. She was the little shy one that only spoke when spoken to. However Kylie was outspoken and loved to prove a point to any and everyone.

Kylie chimed in before Katie could speak. "When you leave today when are you coming back?"

I felt so bad for them. They've been here for about 9 months total now. Their mom had an addiction and tried to sell them for some crack from what I heard. They never knew who their dad was though. "Im afraid I won't be coming back. Some lady is coming to adopt me." I answered in a low tone.

"What does that mean?" Katie asked.

I looked up in a thinking manner. "It means that im going to go live with her and be apart of her family and she has to take care of me," I said not knowing how to explain it.

"Will we ever get adopted? Nobody wants us" Kylie said as she started to cry, which also made Katie cry.

"Yeah we're just ugly little children that people dont wanna be around." Katie added on.

I pulled both of them into a hug. "No don't say that, You are both very beautiful. I love to be around you guys and i just met you not to long ago, and one day you will be apart of a loving family. Ok?" I told them on a verge of tears. It broke my heart that these two little girls thought that way about themselves.

"Ok" they said at the same time while wiping their eyes.

There was a light knock before the door creeked open revealed a blond haired lady. "Sorry to interupt but Yari she's here to adopt you now. Papers are already signed she's just waiting on you sweety."

She then looked down and saw the twins crying in my arms. "I'll give you guys some time alright but don't be to long."

"Alright thank you"

She walked out and I looked down at the twins who looked sad. "Are you leaving now?" Katie asked with glossy eyes.

I looked down at their glossy light brown eyes and nodded "Im gonna miss you guys."

"We're going to miss you too Yari." They both said. I found it interesting that they talk at the same time sometimes.

We hugged for a few before I got up to colect myself. "You guys are beautiful okay. Don't ever foget that." I said to them.

"Ok," they said at the same time.

I was about to walk out but I heard tiny footsteps and a voice that made me turn back. "Yari?" Katie spoke.

"Yes baby?"

"Will you come see us on our birthday please?" She asked.

"Um..when is it?"

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