Justin POV

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6 months later

Today was the day.
The day that I planned in my little brain back when I first met her.
I pictured buying it. And presenting it to her. It would be so perfect!
I told Britney I would be back in an hour. I had an errand to run.
I found what I needed. I bought it. Too perfect! This moment was too much.
I had a flashback.
It was the last day on the set.
I was so depressed. I would never be able to see Britney again. Or so I thought.
Now it's time
To say goodbyeee
To all our company
"See you real soon!" I said one arm around her.
"Why? Because we like you."
"Cut!" The director yelled. "That's a wrap!"
Many kids wiped tears and hugged their friends goodbye.
After a party with refreshments and music, it was really time to say goodbye.
We were the last ones there. "Britney,"
"I have something to tell you that I've been wanting to tell you for a long time."
She smiled. "And what is that?"
It was so hard to spit it out.
"The day I asked you out, it really didn't mean anything. I was desperate."
She sighed and made a let down face.
"But the other day when I saw you, I saw you differently. It wasn't just a fake crush anymore. I think it's true to say that I actually love you, but I feel so weird saying it because we're only 14. I just want you to know that you'll always be my true love even though we are miles apart. You are the most beautiful person I've ever met. And I can't deny that anymore."
Britney was speechless. I think she even shed a tear from part happiness and part sadness.
She was the perfect person for me.
And I knew ever since that day I've wanted to do what I'm doing today.
It took a lot of thinking, but I knew this was the right decision.
I glanced over at the clock in the car. It was 2:00 pm. Right on time!
I was in the driveway and my heart was beating so fast.
I felt the item in my pocket. It was crazy to think that I was actually doing this.
Am I really doing this.
I laughed nervously.
Just the, I heard a door slam and fast footsteps running.
I opened the door.
"Baby? I'm home!" I hollered.
No reply.
"Britney! I have something for you!"
Still no answer. Maybe she was asleep? No, I just heard footsteps.
I walked towards her room. I heard a male voice moaning.
What the hell?
"Ooh yes!" I heard her say. I didn't think people got that excited when other people arrive home.
I slowly opened her door to make sure there wasn't a burglar.
To my horror, Britney and TJ were in my bed full on having sex.
They were startled.
"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I yelled at TJ.
"Put on your clothes and get OUT of my house!" I growled.
He laughed and smiled an evil smile at Britney. A single tear rolled down her face. She obviously regretted her actions. I still didn't care!
TJ came out fully clothed.
He laughed and ran out.
Now Britney and I were alone.
I wasn't angry anymore. I was very sad and disappointed.
"How could you?" I sobbed. I rarely cried except for when stuff like this happens.
"Baby," she started. "Let's have a talk." She was surprisingly calm.
After a few excuses like "we were rehearsing for an upcoming music video". I knew it wasn't true. I just knew it.
"Britney, I confessed my love to you when we were younger. Do you really love me?"
"Yes Justin! I love you more than anything in this world!"
"then why do you want to lie to about what just happened? Cause I know you know the freakin truth about this?"
"Fine. Yes. I lied."
"Funny because if you were honest, I would have forgiven you."
"I'm being honest about my lie! Justin, I've never done anything in our relationship other than this that hurt you!"
"You don't know that! Britney, I love you too much to just let this be. In future relationships, don't you wanna know that you can trust your partner?"
Her face turned hot. "What future relationship? We are dating! You said it yourself! This is true love!"
"If you really believed that, then you wouldn't have cheated on me."
"I was lonely!"
"So what? I see sexy girls all the time at my job when I'm missing you. That doesn't bail me out from having sex with them and making it okay!"
"Look, Justin. I'm sorry. I'll never do it again."
"Too late for sorry now. Go off into the sunset with TJ. I'd like to see how that 'music video' turns out."
I pulled out the ring from my pocket.
"And to think I was going to ask you to marry me tonight."

Justin And Britney: The Beginnings (COMPLETE!!) |#Wattys2015|Where stories live. Discover now