Britney POV

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The moment caught me by surprise.
Justin put his arm around me as we sang the goodbye song.
I was nervous and I guess he was too. After the song, everyone got picked up to go home, but we were still waiting on Justin's mom to pick us up.

We were alone waiting on the bench in front of the studio.

"Hey Britney," Justin said.
"I have a question."
"What is it?"
He paused and his face turned red.
"Who do you like?"
"Um no one."
"Come on I'll tell you who I like!" He pleaded.
"Ok fine. I like-"
I stopped myself. Was this really happening?
"Tell me Britney!" He exclaimed scooting closer and closer to me.
Maybe he didn't like me back and he was going to say he liked someone else.
What have I got to lose though? I've been waiting months to tell him.
"I like you."
We were silent for what seemed like forever. I couldn't tell if he was surprised or happy or sad or mad.
"Actually, I thought you liked TJ or something," he whispered.
"I don't. And you still need to tell me who you like."
"Okay." He mumbled.
"I like... you too."
I was so ....EXCITED. I was in an indescribable mood. I wanted to kiss him. But I just couldn't.
"So..." I murmured.
"You know that day we had our auditions?"
"I fell in love with you that first day."
"Oh my gosh, me too but I thought you either didn't care to know me or didn't notice me."
"Same here. So since we like each other..." Justin trailed off.
"I don't know. This is awkward. I just want to ask you something but I can't."
"Alright alright! The truth is, I want to go out with you because we both like each other."
"Me too. But why do you even like me?!"
"Because you're beautiful. And everything else about you is too." He mumbled.
"Why do you like me?" Justin asked.
"You're hot and you sing amazingly and everything about you is perfect and your smile makes me have butterflies in my stomach because you make me happy. And yes Justin, I will be your girlfriend."
He had a cute surprised smile on his face.
"Really? You think that about me? And oh my gosh you're my girlfriend!" Justin stared at the ground in astonishment.
It didn't cross my mind once that we were too young for this. I had feelings for him.
Justin's mom's car slowly approached the studio. She was about a half a mile away.
We looked into each other's eyes.
"One last thing Britney?"
"What is it?"

He kissed me on the cheek.

Justin And Britney: The Beginnings (COMPLETE!!) |#Wattys2015|Where stories live. Discover now