Britney POV

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My life was over.
All I wanted was Justin.
I screwed up so horrible this time.
I thought I could get away with it. I thought it would be a friends with benefits kind of thing.
And it crushed me to know that Justin had a ring in his pocket.
A ring?
Why the hell should I give a shit anymore? It was my fault, but I shouldn't care. I needed to let it go.
The phone rang. It was TJ
"What do you want?" I yelled.
"Sorry about your little mishap. Wanna come over and talk about it?"
"HELL NO." I ended the call. I shouldn't have even answered it.
In the back of my mind, I remembered I was still here at Justin's house. My clothes were all in the drawers.
My shoes on the floor.
Our picture together still up on the wall.
It was just missing the happy couple inside.
Justin came in from the backyard. He still was crying. It was so sad. It made me die inside that I hurt him in this way.
He'd never done anything wrong to me.
He'd always remember me.
He'd write me love letters.
He stared at me in mmc. I was a totally different person without him.
"Justin, please-"
"if you think I'm going to give you another chance, think again."
He went back into his room.
He brought out an old picture.
"Remember this? Remember Britney? That night was the sleepover I told you I liked you. And I got dared to kiss you two weeks later at that same house. Was that shit all for nothing?" It was a picture of us on a swing set holding hands.
Justin opened up the frame. Tucked inside was a piece of paper. He showed it to me.
"I wrote this in 8th grade but I forgot to give it to you. Was that all for nothing?"
It read,
"Britney Spears is the hottest girl ever ;) I wanna marry you someday if you're lucky <3"
"Justin, why are you showing me this?"
"Because this is proof that I love you, and you proved to me the damn opposite!"
He crumpled up the paper and threw it on the ground.
"Are you breaking up with me baby?"
"I just need time alone to think. But I guarantee that I'm not marrying you anymore!" He took out the ring box and threw it on the ground. "24 KARAT GOLD! AND I'D RATHER BREAK THIS INTO A MILLION LITTLE PIECES THAN TO GIVE IT TO THE WOMAN I LOVE WHO WAS IN MY OWN BED CHEATING ON ME!"
"Justin, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. You said that one day I kissed TJ that everyone deserves forgiveness. I love you too much to give up on you!"
"You shoulda remembered that when you slept with TJ!"
"Get out."

Justin And Britney: The Beginnings (COMPLETE!!) |#Wattys2015|Where stories live. Discover now