Britney POV

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To our horror, TJ was in the truck.
I was scared. The last time I saw him, he wanted to kill me for telling Justin about him raping me.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Britney and Justin."
He shoved Justin.
"What's your problem, TJ?"
We backed up off the side of the road to the side walk.
"You ruined my life. Both of you. Now it's time for some payback!" TJ took off a sweaty baseball cap.
"You dented my truck." He pointed to his damaged vehicle.
"TJ, that was an accident-" I managed.
"You stole my girl," TJ looked at Justin in the eyes.
"I did not steal Britney from you! You're just being delusional." Justin's blue eyes shifted in disgust. I could tell he was bothered. It was adorable.
He continued. "We've had this conversation before, TJ. The past is in the past, we can't change anything that happened in MMC. So go on and just cry me a river!" Justin glared at TJ waiting for a response.
TJ smirked, his gaze focusing on Justin, then me, then Justin again.
"You think this whole thing started because of you?" He laughed.
Oh no. He was going to bring up what happened before I even met Justin. Not good.
"TJ-" He stopped me.
"Wanna here the real truth, pal?" He looked up at him. TJ was a foot shorter than Justin. It was funny to watch at first.
"Just hit me with the truth, now. You're more than welcome to." He was quoting Bye Bye Bye, his own song. It was so cute and clever, but I was still distressed.
"Britney was staring at me, that's right, ME, and I asked her out that first day. She said no. Then you two met. She stared at you.Then you asked her out, she said yes. Do you see where I'm coming from?" He smarted back.
Justin smiled. He laughed. A reaction I definitely didn't expect.
"So you're mad at something that happened half a decade ago?" Justin asked TJ.
"When you put it that way-" he started.
"No. You listen here, bud." Justin pointed his finger up TJ's chest. "You said you asked her out the same day that you two met. Any sane person would deny a request to date a stranger unless they were absolutely desperate. Who am I kidding, no one would date you, period! But back to the point, I didn't ask Britney until quite a few months passed. We were 12, and even then we knew better than that."
TJ opened his mouth to say something but then shut it again.
"Besides, you didn't seem to mind when you DARED ME TO KISS HER!" Justin opened up his car door.
"What about my dented truck?" He seemed like a 6 year old begging for excuses.
Justin pulled a few hundred dollar bills out of his wallet. He handed him them.
"Go fix up that piece of garbage."
As we pulled out into the street, TJ maintained his deathly stare.
I looked away.
Justin pulled me in for a kiss. "I got you, babe. Don't worry."
I kept my eyes open.
In the rear view mirror, a clear image of TJ appeared.
He traced his finger over his neck.
This could only mean...
Oh no.
"You're gonna pay," I saw him mouth inaudibly.

Justin And Britney: The Beginnings (COMPLETE!!) |#Wattys2015|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя