Britney POV

588 11 2
  • Dedicated to Justin Timberlake


Justin still wanted to MARRY me?

I couldn't believe my ears.

I drove home around 2:00 am, still astonished with the ring being buried in his drawers.

It was a dark night, not a star in the sky. There were only a few street lamps aglow to light my path.

I had no idea Justin still thought that about me. I didn't know he wasn't over me!

The car swerved. Woah. I was so tired and I was devoting all of my attention to my  thoughts instead of the road.

But still, his eyes were the sexiest things ever! His hair was always perfect, gosh, did he want to forgive me? I sure hoped so.

Was that why he invited me to the party?

The next thing I knew, there was a black car dimly lit by a broken street light.

The car window rolled down as it passed. A photographer leaned out.

FLASH! The bright light startled me, which resulted in me spinning the steering wheel in circles.

I felt instant pain as the car flipped.

The last conscious thought that sustained in my brain was about Justin's adorable smile.

Justin And Britney: The Beginnings (COMPLETE!!) |#Wattys2015|Where stories live. Discover now