Justin POV

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I was in a deep sleep for about two hours until I awoke to my mom telling me to pour water into the dog dish.
I checked my alarm clock. 7:30 pm it read.
Not too late. I threw on some shoes and trudged out my door.
"Please make sure you don't soak the welcome mat this time." My mom had a thing for remembering my previous slip ups.
"Okayyyyyy!!" I yelled back.

I stepped outside. Britney's house was the house right next to mine. I heard talking over there.
Probably just her mom lecturing her about the whole TJ thing. Glad that's over.

I stepped closer towards her house in order to reach the hose. I flipped the spigot up. Nothing came out.
Ok then. I had to go to the side of the house to get a replacement spigot head for the broken one. I neared Britney's house.

I bent down to pick up the replacement part. I had to unscrew something to get the knob to work.
In the corner of my eye, I saw Britney and someone else sitting on the porch swing. I turned to see who it was.

In horror I dropped the head and ran inside trying not to cry.

Britney and TJ were kissing.

And it wasn't forced.

She was enjoying it.

A/N yooooo. Looking back at this, I can tell that the problems/ fears of these two at age 11 were, kinda, stupid!! Haha 😂 but as you progress into the story, they mature. Which is great. PLEASE DONT FORGET TO VOTE 💖💖💖thanks for the support!

Comment TJ if you are excited for what happens!!! :)

Justin And Britney: The Beginnings (COMPLETE!!) |#Wattys2015|Where stories live. Discover now