Face to Face

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Everyone was ready to leave. They had sorted out travel arrangements. Anthony was capable of something similar to flight by way of manipulating the energy around him. He'd be taking Vivian and Natasha with him. Natalie would take Jordan. The Oracle and Macy were going with Jerome. Both women were small in stature and weight. He could tuck them each under an arm and it hardly felt like he carried anything at all.

Just as they were about to leave, Macy's cell phone rang.

"Chief!" she said when she saw who it was. She was happy to hear from him. "I was just leaving to follow a lead on Jackson."

"Well, you need to hear this first, Macy." The Chief sounded worried.

Macy's brow furrowed. "What is it? Tell me."

"Jackson is in worse trouble than we'd thought. It isn't the government who did this to him. It may be someone far more dangerous."

"Who could be more dangerous than that?"

"Our enemies. Enemies of the government. Enemies of the U.S."

"You mean..."

"Russia. China. We aren't exactly sure, yet. God knows who all is involved. Jackson is a potential weapon. One that could start World War III. Macy, these guys are more dangerous than anyone we imagined."

"I don't understand, Chief. How could anyone like that get ahold of Jackson? Where did you hear this? How did you find out?"

"F.B.I. came clean. They've been investigating this whole mess since before Jackson ever got in that car wreck. Said they hadn't been able to put a stop to it yet because of diplomatic issues."

Macy stood there with her mouth open for a moment. She couldn't speak.


"Y-yeah, Chief?"

"There are other people with special abilities possibly involved in these experiments. Jackson may not be the only one. Who knows what we have on our hands, here."

"Gotcha, Chief." She had finally found her tongue. The news didn't change anything. Whether it was their own government or someone else, she was getting her partner back. It didn't matter if it were aliens from outer space who were responsible. She would take them down or die trying. "I'll be careful." She blew a kiss into the phone and pressed the end button.

"I have some updated information," she said to the rest of the team. Once again she prayed that they wouldn't back out.


Jackson felt heavy. Strange. He was drifting forward without moving his feet... He looked around. Everything was hazy. Foggy and dark. Where was he? What was it that he was supposed to be doing? How did I get here? Why did I come here? He tried to shake off the strange grogginess. He squinted, trying to get a better idea of his surroundings. A dark figure came into view up ahead. As he drew closer the figure turned to face him. He noticed an hourglass symbol on the figure's chest. It was crackling with greenish electricity. His eyes strained to focus. He took in the black attire, black cape, and a mask that covered the entire face and head. Where eyes should have been, the same electricity sparked.

Jackson felt confusion wash over him. He recognized this being, but he didn't understand how he could be looking at him.

"What... who are you? How...?" He tried to figure out what to ask in order to get the answers he needed.

He drifted closer.

"I am Father Time." The figure spoke. He heard the words inside his mind. In his own voice.

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