New Found Family

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   Macy stilled her thoughts and stared into the Oracle's eyes. She had already let out a giggle when she imagined Tya's eyes doing the cartoon spiral thing, like when Kaa the snake tries to hypnotize Mowglie in The Jungle Book. She had been given a reproachful look that told her to be serious. She was nervous. When she became nervous she became silly. It wasn't her fault.

She took a deep breath and settled her giddy nerves, allowing Tya into her mind. She was trying to connect to Jackson through Macy to find out where he was. Macy felt herself being drawn out of her body, her mind not under her own control. She was floating higher and higher. The feeling wasn't unlike when she had flown with Jerome. The difference was that she didn't watch her own body grow smaller on the ground when she flew away with him.

They floated out of the building into the sky. She could feel Tya inside her mind guiding her, while following her at the same time. They raced through the night sky faster than she had flown with Jerome. They were flying over the desert along the highway. They flew all the way along HWY 15 until they were nearly to Salt Lake City.

"He's going home!" she said to Tya, inside her mind.

"Yes. Shhh. There! Do you see him?" Tya's voice replied in her head.

They floated down until they were hovering over Jackson. He was on the side of the road. There was a car in the ditch next to him. He was cursing. They dropped down near him and she felt Tya trying to probe his mind but she was locked out.

"I can't get in. It's no use. At least we know where he's going."

Macy caught a glimpse of something but before she could figure out what it was, she felt herself being sucked, like a vacuum, back to her body.

She “came to” still sitting there facing Tya, holding her hands, on the floor of Jerome's vast loft.

Macy was breathless. "That was amazing! I can't believe we actually saw him and he was so far away!"

Tya looked tired. It took a lot for her to do that and at such a great distance. She could only sustain their visit to see Jackson for a short amount of time before it drained her energy and she needed to rest. "I'm happy we know where to find him." She crumpled to her side on the floor and Jerome rushed forward to cradle her in his arms rather than have her lie on the hard floor.

Anthony was pacing slowly, deep in thought, and Nat was over by one of the huge open windows looking out into the night sky.

"We're going to need to come up with some sort of game plan." Anthony finally spoke. "Now that we know where he is, what do we do to help him?"

"I think it would be best to figure out exactly what these people want with him," Jerome said quietly. "Then it will be easier to figure out how to help him."

Macy looked around at the small group of people. "I would be willing to bet that the Chief will know more by morning."

"Yes. We should wait until tomorrow and then when our little snow globe here finds out more from her boss, we'll make our plans." Nat had left her spot at the window and approached the group with a grin.

"Miss Grey?" Anthony turned to Macy, a thoughtful look on his face. "We have a place. Our headquarters. I'd like to privilege you with the location. I already consider you one of us. However, if you have loyalties that would cause you to betray our secrets...."

"I'm not going to be staying on any team whose purpose it is to hunt you people down and arrest you." Macy lifted her chin, determination on her face. "I consider all of you my friends. More than that, even, with the way you have all risked yourselves to come to the aid of the very team who has been trying to hunt you down for the past year."

They all smiled at her and Tya lifted her head from the crook of Jerome's wing. "We consider you like family as well, Macy."

Nat flung an arm around Macy's shoulder and bumped her with her hip. "Does that mean we get to go for rides in cop cars with the sirens and lights blasting?"

Macy slid her arm around the girl's waist. "You'll need to give me some time to bring the 'old Chief around first, but after that? I don't see why not." She grinned.

They gave her the location of the H.Q. and Jerome invited her to remain in his care until morning, which she accepted. The thought of going back to her dark condo alone was too much. She didn't want to be left alone with her thoughts and fears. She knew Max would be fine. He had a constant supply of dry food and could go one day without his canned meal.

They all agreed to meet at H.Q. the next morning.


Chief Munson sat back after he finished telling the Director what was going on. He watched as the man typed away on his computer, likely pulling up the folder on Jackson. The guy's brows furrowed as he looked at the screen.

"Chief, there are some issues here. Honestly, this isn't something I am, or ever was, involved in. It's not just your ordinary stuff and it goes higher than just the F.B.I."

"What are you talking about? I want to know what you people did to my detective!"

"Chief... we didn't do anything to him, but.... well, it appears that some of us were privy to what was going on with him. This is military stuff and apparently high profile C.I.A. and government scientific research."

"You going to give me the information I was locked out of, or am I going to go ahead and bring in all the muscle I've got backing me?" Chief Munson growled at the Director. He was fed up with being kept in the dark. Something important was up with Wolfe and he was his employee. He had a right to know.

"I... I don't know that I have the clearance to just hand over this kind of information, Chief. I think I'd better call a meeting with the other directors and get to the bottom of it. Before I disclose this stuff. It's top secret. Very high intelligence information. Classified."

The Chief stood to his feet, glaring down at the much larger man. His fists were clenched and his eyes flashed. "Now you listen up, you egotistical government lap dog. Jackson Wolfe is a cop under my employ. There is a law stating that whatever information you F.B.I. puppets have on any one of my men or women, I have the right to see upon request. I know my rights. Now. Do I really need to go and get myself a warrant in order to get you people to cooperate with the law? This whole operation will go downhill like a wagon full of shit! You hear me? Copy over whatever files you have on Jackson Wolfe to a disk. Immediately. Or so help me, I will close this office down and have every last one of you in my employ as meter maids, got it?"

The Director stared at him slack mouthed.

"DO IT!" the Chief roared.

The man instantly pulled a disk out of one of his drawers and placed it into the burner of his computer. Chief Munson went around the desk to watch. He was not leaving it up to chance that the guy would cooperate fully. Not this time. He watched as the files that had disappeared earlier reappeared and were dragged and copied onto the disk. His eyebrows shot up when another folder that he hadn't seen before was opened and the contents copied to the disk. He was just about to walk back around when the director opened up yet another folder and copied all of the contents over and then two more after that.

Chief Munson stood there and waited. "That everything?"

"That's everything I could find on your man, Chief. You have my word."

"Give it."

The director handed him the disk with a trembling hand and the Chief snatched it and without another word strode from the office, slamming the door behind him.

"God damned worthless feds," he grumbled to himself and stalked out of the building. He couldn't stand dealing with the F.B.I. Always so secretive and high and mighty. He had trained over half of the ones working in that particular office. Most F.B.I. agents started out as regular cops. They could all just as easily re-assume their jobs as just regular cops, too.


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