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     Jackson growled at the alarm on his nightstand for the third time, pounding it into oblivion. He launched himself out of bed and did a little dance similar to that of a boxer in the ring. After he'd shaken as much of the lagging weight of sleep from his head as possible, he showered and headed out the door. It was already going on 7AM.

"Damn!" His fists hit the steering wheel for the third time. He had yet to conquer L.A. traffic. "I fucking hate this. If I were the king of America, I'd make it punishable by death if you drive like an idiot!"

Finally with hair standing on end and eyes wild, he pulled into the station parking lot. When he went in he headed straight for the coffee pot and didn't look up or say a word to anyone until he had a cup in his hands.

Sipping his coffee, he calmly walked over to his desk, glancing over to see that Macy hadn't arrived yet. How did she always manage to get there within 10 minutes of when he did no matter what time he arrived? Another mystery gone unsolved regarding his outrageous partner.

He sat down at his desk and began to look over some reports she'd left behind the day before. She'd given a detailed description of Harley Chase. Her personality never seemed to come through when she wrote her reports. It was strange. If you didn't know her, you would imagine she was pretty normal when reading her descriptions. He smiled. You'd be in for one rude awakening, he thought to himself.

"Wolfe!" Jackson jumped at the Chief's loud bark. He looked up at the clock. It was 7:45AM.

"Yeah, Chief!" he called over his shoulder.

"Where the hell is that blondie partner of yours?"

"I'm not sure. She's apparently running late. Wouldn't be the first time, Chief. When she gets here, I'd like a word with you though, if you have time."

"Of course I have time! I want debriefings the minute she arrives!"

"You got it, Chief!" Jackson grinned to himself. When the Chief talked across the room his tone always sounded like the person he was speaking to was on his shit list. He never talked in a normal tone until you were behind the closed door of his office. 

Jackson sipped his coffee and looked up at the clock impatiently. C'mon, Macy, where are you? He pulled his cell phone out and pulled up her number. He hated calling her when she was most likely driving. It worried him that he'd distract her and cause her to have an accident. She drove too fast just like everyone else in L.A.

Shrugging he went ahead and called her anyways. She was late sometimes but it was almost 8AM and getting ridiculous.

Her phone went directly to voice mail and Jackson's brow furrowed. When the tone sounded he left a message. "Macy. Where the hell are you? Call me back."

He hung up and stood to his feet. He was beginning to feel uneasy. He strolled to the Chief's office and tapped on the door. "Chief?"

"Yeah! C'mon in."

He opened the door and poked his head inside. "Macy isn't here yet." he said, eyes narrowed.

"Come on in, Wolfe. Close the door." The Chief was reading over some paperwork but he put it down and sat back. "Did you try her cell?"

"Of course. It went straight to voice mail and I left a message, but..."

"You're still worried. Yeah, it's not like her to be this late without either calling or having her phone available.... What do ya think? Should I send an officer over to check on her?"

"Are you kidding me, Chief? I'm not having some rookie go check on her! I'll go find her myself! If something's wrong... if something's happened to her..."

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