F.B.I. Disclosure

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Chief Munson looked up when Kimmie opened the door and popped her head in. "Line one. It's that guy from the F.B.I. that you scared the crap out of."

"Which one? I scared everyone there." The Chief chuckled to himself.

Kimmie rolled her eyes at him. "The director. He says it's urgent."

The Chief picked up the phone and pressed the button for line one. "Chief Munson. Whatcha got for me?"

Director Halston's voice came through. "Chief, my boss would like you to come down. If you could. He's got more information about your boy, Wolfe. He asked me to see if you'd meet with him."

"I can be there in half an hour. 45 minutes at the most." The Chief was already standing up and reaching for his coat. "What's his name?"

"Director in Chief Jefferson Riley. He'll see you as soon as you get here."

"Tell him I'm on my way."

It took only half an hour to reach the F.B.I. headquarters. Chief Munson went in and went to the reception area. He walked past the people standing in line and went straight to the first employee he saw that wasn't occupied.

The young woman looked up at him with an impatient expression. "Sir, you'll have to wait in...."

"I'm here to see Director Riley, ma’am, and I'm not waiting in your line. Tell him Chief Munson is here to see him."

She looked at him with a blank expression. She didn't seem to have understood him.

"Chop chop!" he barked at her, clapping his hands. She jumped and then scurried over to a phone and picked it up.

Two minutes later she was leading him back to the elevator and showing him into the Director in Chief's office.

Director Riley was an old guy. A little older than Chief Munson from what he could tell. He didn't seem like the type to make jokes or beat around bushes. He gave the Chief a cold stare from under his bushy, white eyebrows. "Chief! Very good to meet you sir!" He stood and offered the Chief his hand. Chief Munson shook the man's hand and then took a seat opposite him.

"Likewise, Director." The Chief nodded. "What have you got for me concerning my boy?"

"Well...." The Director in Chief looked down at his desk for a moment. He seemed to feel the need to choose his words carefully. "The situation concerning your detective goes a lot deeper than you'd think. This is a situation we've been investigating for quite some time. We keep hitting brick walls."

The Chief leaned forward a little and narrowed his eyes. "What are you telling me, Director?"

"I'm telling you that the F.B.I. has been trying to find out more about your detective for a while, now. We know he's been involved, whether knowingly or not, in matters that Homeland Security has got wind of and is up in arms about."

"So you people aren't involved in it?"

"No, no... We most certainly are not. Nor would we be. No. I'm afraid your boy is tangled up in a situation that has the potential to start some serious global disruption."

Chief Munson stared at the older man. "What does that mean?"

"We were trying to bring Jackson Wolfe in, but not because we are involved in whatever happened to him. We wanted to get hold of him in order to keep him out of the hands of our enemies."

"Whose enemies?"

"The entire country's enemies. Enemies of the United States. Chief Munson, Detective Wolfe has become a potential weapon. A weapon that we believe may be in the hands of the Russian and Chinese governments. They've been conducting research and experimentation, not just on him, but on other... err... talented folk as well. He's a special one. No one else like him, that anyone is aware of anyways. They got wind of him and were able to infiltrate the company his sister worked for."

Chief Munson leaned forward. "Why the hell are these people even allowed in our country? Why haven't you idiots kicked them out? Why are they able to come here and get their hands on citizens of this country to try and use them as weapons against us? Are you people completely useless?"

The Director just looked at him. He didn't seem fazed. "There are diplomatic issues here that make things a little more complicated than that, Chief."

"Diplomatic issues?" The Chief stood to his feet and glared down at the man. "Are you out of your goddamned minds? A man is being used in experiments by our enemies on our own dirt! And you are trying to tell me there are diplomatic issues? You want to hear what I think? I think you people don't know your asses from your heads! No wonder this country is going down like a two-dollar whore!"

Director Riley stood to his feet and shook his head. "I just thought I'd tell you what I know, Chief. Take it or leave it. Do with the information as you see fit, but I wanted to be sure you understood what this is really about. Ya need our help with it, we're here to back you."

The Chief just crammed his hat down on his head and turned towards the door. "Your help? Now that's funny, isn't it? I'd be better off recruiting apes from the local zoo. Good day to you, Director Riley. Thanks for the disclosure. Next time, how bout I don't have to come down here and threaten to arrest everyone in your building just to get you people to tell me what I'm entitled to know."

He tipped his hat and strode from the room, closing the door behind him. He proceeded to growl at every fed agent he saw on his way out of the building. He needed to talk to Macy.


The scared Russian doctor keeps his feet moving. Father Time has one of the rifles securely lodged in-between his shoulder blades. He stops abruptly, yanking the doctor to a halt as well.

He narrows his eyes. There is something.... He shakes his head. A strange dizziness washes over him and he sways on his feet. The doctor cautiously turns his head to see what is going on. "Y-you are feeling woozy?" he asks.

Father Time shakes his head again, trying to regain his composure. "There is... someone... you have someone in your custody..." 

Again a dizzy sensation rocks him. Doctor Kodiak squints at him and pushes his glasses up on his nose. "You need medical attention. You should place yourself back into my care. I can help you."

Father Time looks down at the mad doctor and narrows his eyes. "You are an evil man. You are not as intelligent as you believe yourself to be. You take great risks at the expense of innocent people in order to further your own glory. You will not be alive much longer. I suggest you begin making your amends."

Doctor Kodiak's eyes grow wide. "Y-you are going to kill me?"

"I am." As he utters the words, another wave of dizziness crashes over him and he instinctively closes his eyes, steadying himself by placing one hand on the wall beside him. In that split second he feels a sharp prick pierce the muscle of his upper arm. His eyes fly open. Time stands still, but it is too late. The tranquilizer is already spreading through his body. He feels himself sink to the floor. He loses his hold and time begins to march steadily forward once more.

The last thing he is aware of is the evil doctor's voice ordering someone to get him prepped for surgery. Immediately.


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