Dirty Politics

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As usual, Jackson entered the station with his hair standing on end and his eyes wild. At least he was awake. He had L.A. traffic to thank for that. Who needed coffee? Actually he needed coffee. He desperately approached the coffee pot. He noticed that his big-boobed partner had yet to make an appearance. Even if he was late, she was always later. He shot a glance toward the Chief's office but it appeared that he hadn't arrived yet, either.

He sauntered over to his desk and sipped his coffee, feeling the effects of the commute dissipate as he drank it. Just as his nerves had calmed and his mind had settled, he felt that familiar atmospheric shift. The air grew just a tiny bit cooler.

He cringed when he heard, "Good morning, my love!" sung out to him from across the room. His face grew warm and every cop in the station looked up to find the source of the chirping. Once they'd found it, they all turned to look at him and shook their heads or grinned at him, mockingly.

Jackson stared daggers at the annoying blonde heading his way with her booty swaying, her heels clicking, and her arms outstretched. She threw them around his neck and planted a kiss on the side of his mouth. It would have been full on if he hadn't violently jerked his head to the side. He was horrified. He put her away from him and glared at her.

"Would you please not do that? We're cops for Pete’s sake, Macy!"

He turned the glare toward the rest of the people in the room and silently dared them to continue staring at him as though he were a spectacle in a zoo. Every one of them quickly became busy with whatever nearby task they could find to avert their attention to. 

Just then Chief Munson stomped into the station, glowering. He headed straight for his office muttering and grumbling something about dirty politicians. Jackson and Macy watched him as he unlocked his office door, went in, and slammed it shut behind him. Macy let out a little squeak and jumped at the loud bang.

"Poor Chief is in a bad mood!" she pouted, looking up at Jackson. "What do you think he's so mad about, darling?"

"Beats me, but I'm sure we'll find out."

As if on cue, the Chief poked his head back out the door and yelled, "Wolfe! Grey! Get in here!"

"See?" He winked at Macy, grinning lopsidedly.

She giggled and started toward the Chief's office.

"I hope he isn't mad at me!" she sang.

"He's never mad at you, you twit!" Jackson grumbled under his breath.

"What darling?"

"Oh, uhh... nothing. I said 'I remember the last time he had a fit'."

They arrived at the door and Jackson knocked twice and then opened it.


Once again, the older man was already on the phone, but he impatiently waved them in as though they were holding him up somehow. Jackson, without even turning to look behind him, reached back and grabbed hold of his yapping partner's arm just as she started to go into a tirade about lip gloss to a helpless looking young rookie who was standing there gaping at her.

Jackson gave her a tug and she half hopped half sailed into the Chief's office. She landed right in front of a chair with his grip on her arm, steadying her. She had been in mid-sentence and was still talking, although her voice had changed from regular squeaky to a much higher pitch of squeaky as she soared through the air.

"Jackson darling, must you be such a brute? I was just explaining to that boy..." 

"He wasn't interested!" Jackson snapped.

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