In the Dark

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    Macy slowly pulled herself up out of unconsciousness. She struggled to open her eyes. Her mouth felt strange. There was something in it. She tried to raise her hand to touch it, but couldn't move her arms. She tensed her entire body as she awoke fully and realized that she couldn't move anything. She couldn't swallow. She was gagged! Gagged and bound, hands and feet. She shook the grogginess from her head and opened her eyes. 

She was in complete darkness. She wasn't lying down, she realized, as her head rolled forward. She was upright, splayed out legs apart and arms out to either side. Crucified. She was strapped down by some sort of rubber bindings that cut into her arms and legs.

Her eyes searched the darkness trying to make something out in the inky black. Anything. Anything that would give her a clue as to where she was and what had happened. She couldn't see anything. She tried to drag up the memories of how she'd gotten there. She remembered Jackson dropping her at home and watching as she unlocked her door and went in. She had shut it and locked it behind her, after blowing him a kiss.

Jackson! How long had she been unconscious? Was it the next day or still the middle of the night? She shook her head, trying to remember more. She'd gone inside and she remembered saying hello to Max. His loud motor rumbled as he had weaved his body in and out of her legs waiting for his dinner. She had fed him, fed her fish, looked at some mail from the day before.

Then she'd gone upstairs, leaving her pets to their dinner. She remembered stepping into her bedroom and... The sliding door! It was open! She had started to go for her gun, but someone had stepped out from behind her and placed a cloth over her face. Chloroform. She'd inhaled sharply, startled. Everything had gone black and now here she was.

She worried about Jackson. She knew he cared about her. He would be worried sick once he found out something had happened to her. She didn't like the idea of him being upset over her, or scared for her. Her brows furrowed. Her mouth and throat ached from the rubber gag in her mouth. She began to struggle but it was useless.

She wasn't really afraid. Just very uncomfortable. Did she even have clothing on? She shivered, feeling as though she might be naked, but not quite sure.

A far away moan escaped her from behind the gag. It was barely audible. She tried harder to peer into the inky blackness, moving her head from side to side, looking for any sign of a door... a window... anything. There didn't seem to be either. Her head ached horribly from being drugged. She needed to figure something out. Wriggling, she tested and tried every rubber binding. They were all tight and secure.

Her breathing was becoming labored as she struggled. She thought she was going to vomit a couple of times because of the gag that filled her entire mouth. She was becoming angrier by the minute and felt that she'd better calm down. It wasn't easy. How dare anyone string her up and gag her! Gag her! The audacity! Her anger continued to rise as she struggled to free herself.

This was preposterous! Macy Grey. Strung up and gagged. Possibly naked! In the dark with no clue as to what was going on! Her anger continued to rise. The temperature in the room began to drop, but she wasn't even aware of it.


Jackson ran a trembling hand through his thick, brown mane as he watched the forensics team turn Macy's bedroom into a crime scene. It was difficult for him to watch as they went through her private belongings. An officer opened her top dresser drawer and pulled out something lacy and pink. Jackson was over there before he realized what he was doing, yanking the delicate material from the guy's hand and slamming the drawer shut. "You don't need to be digging through her delicates!" he growled at the shocked young man. "Just stay outta her underwear drawer." He stuffed the pretty little pink do-hickey back into the drawer and closed it. He then turned around and stood guard over her dresser.

I'll be god-damned if I'm going to allow them to defile her any more than she already possibly...., he stopped his train of thought, jaw clenched. Hot tears were once more stinging the backs of his eyes and he squeezed them shut for a moment and shook his head. She was fine. He would find her. He would see her again and she would be safe and sound. No one was hurting her. He couldn't even fathom it.

One of the men came up from the floor holding a tiny, diamond earring in his gloved hand. He stepped over to Jackson and showed him. There was no back on it.

"She was wearing those yesterday. Or at least a pair like them." Jackson's voice cracked as the guy looked at him with sympathy and then dropped the little earring into a plastic evidence bag. 

There wasn't much else. Her purse wasn't anywhere to be found. They dusted for prints but the only ones found were Macy's own and whatever prints Jackson had left when he'd arrived at her place hours ago. The only other clue they had was that her sliding door lock seemed to have been sprung somehow. It wasn't broken, but there were a few, very small, tell-tale scratches. As if an instrument had been used to pick it.

The carpet had some very faint shoe prints that were just marks where it was flattened more so than other places. Using very advanced equipment they were able to distinguish at least two other prints besides Jackson's prints and Macy's own tiny prints. The prints were large and definitely made by men. From what the forensics guys showed Jackson, he deducted that they'd come in through her sliding door and awaited her arrival home. When she'd come upstairs, they had surprised her, probably drugged her, then carried her out the way they'd come in. They probably passed her down and into an awaiting vehicle just outside her balcony.

Jackson went to all of her neighbors and questioned everyone who answered their door. He asked if anyone had seen or heard anything. If they'd noticed any strange vehicles in the complex recently. If they'd seen any strangers or anyone who may have seemed suspicious. No one had seen anything. They all knew Macy and all seemed upset at her disappearance. She was very well liked and respected by her neighbors. Of course she was! He thought to himself. How could anyone not like her?

He wasn't getting anywhere. He wondered if it had anything to do with Harley or Tyrone. He couldn't imagine Tyrone's involvement... but Harley? That slime-ball was capable of just about anything. He didn't act as though he had anything up his sleeve regarding Macy, but one never knew.

He took out the phone he used to keep contact with them and dialed Tyrone first.

"This be Tyrone." he heard the Jamaican man's now familiar voice answer.

"Tyrone, this is J.C."

"Yeah bro! My boss. He wonder why you haven't called heem dis morning."

"Something's come up. Something serious. Ahhh..."

"Tell me, bro! Is everyteen okay?"

"Well, I don't want to say anything quite yet, partner." Jackson tried to sound light and friendly, using his imitation Texas drawl. "I just wanted to let y’all know my girl and I won't be able to meet up with y’all today."

"Did you call de Boss?"

"Not yet. I plan to right now."

He hung up and dialed Harley's number, taking a deep breath.

"There you are, J.C!" Harley's voice sounded relieved and glad to hear from him. He didn't sound like he was hiding anything as Jackson explained that something had come up. He tried to place emphasis when speaking about his "girl" to see if Harley gave any indication that he knew anything. He didn't.

Jackson hung up the phone and stared at it. He needed a clue. Something! He needed to find her. If they weren't involved, who was? Who would have a reason to kidnap or hurt Macy? He would find out. When he did they would be some sorry pieces of shit. Of that he was certain.


(A/N: I know, I'm still leaving you guys hanging, but please vote if you like it! Sorry about the short chapters, I'm only allowed the same attention span as a 7-year-old. Because I have one, lol!)

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