Ring Leader

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  Harley Chase placed the phone back on its charger and leaned back in his plush leather office chair. He was not in a favorable mood. Things were not going his way. He was unused to things not going his way. He spent enormous amounts of cash and hired enormous men (with no qualms about killing) in order to ensure that things always went his way. 

Yet, lately there seemed to be forces working against him in spite of his money and men. First, his politician commits suicide (for whatever reason). He had been so close! Next election he would have had his boot up the government's ass, thanks to the obscene amounts of cash he had poured into the (now dead) politician's causes and campaigns. Everything had been in the palm of his hand. He had even had his top girl in the guy's bed. But, all of it went to shit when the asshole offed himself.

Second, his worker bees kept getting arrested. His car-jacking teams were nervous to go out and get cars because of those nosy "vigilante" assholes. He couldn't wait to get his hands on one of those clowns. He would make an example of them. Send a message to the rest of them not to fuck with him or his minions. He had successfully convinced the cops to lay off, so he felt confident that once he was able to catch one of the vigilantes, he would have no problem making his point with them, too.

Harley put his hands behind his head and gazed at the lithe, dark-haired beauty sitting on the little sofa across from him. She was lazily flipping through a magazine with her long legs tucked up underneath her and her feet bare. Harley slowly shook his head. Every time he looked at her he was reminded of how much money he was out and how much time he had wasted on that coward politician just to have him off himself in a moment of guilt, or whatever it was. He was shocked to hear about the note the guy had left. It had stated that Natasha was to receive nothing in spite of the will saying otherwise.

Poor kid. She had really put a lot of work and time into the creep. She shouldn't have been left empty handed. It was just wrong. If the guy were still alive, he would kill him again!

Natasha's low and lusty voice broke into his thoughts. "Did you speak to Tyrone yet, baby?" she breathed.

Harley shook his head. "Not yet. He should be here any minute. I called him in."

"Think his boy... Chad... would leak anything to the cops?" she asked looking up at him.

"Nah. He doesn't know much, but even if he did, he'd probably keep his mouth shut. He knows enough about me to know people don't survive talkin' to the authorities."

"Are ya thinking about maybe setting up a trap for those vigilante assholes, baby? I think we should set a trap. Get our hands on one and use him... or her... to get them off our backs."

"Yep. Funny! I was just tossing around some ideas along those lines, my sexy vixen. I must be rubbing off on you. You're starting to think like me." His eyes flashed something like pride in her direction.

Natasha smiled without looking up from her magazine. "You know I'm smarter than anyone else you keep company with, Harley. When are you going to make me your right hand guy and quit seeing me as just another whore?"

Harley gaped at her with wide eyes. "Why... I don't see you as just a whore, my beautiful man-eater! You outta know that! As for being my right hand guy, well... when you grow yourself a couple balls and a cock, come talk to me!"

"Chauvinist pig!" she snapped at him, her eyes flashing.

"Crazy bitch!" He glared back at her.

The two stared at each other with what seemed like hatred until a knock at the door interrupted their showdown.

"Enter!" Harley barked as he tore his eyes from Natasha's to stare at the door. 

A tall, very dark-skinned young man opened the door and poked his head in. He noticed Natasha sitting there and hesitated.

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